Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Re: gvim and sliding command output animation

I have noticed that output of :messages appears instantly, unlike the
sliding output of :reg, :ls, :cl, etc. etc. I'm puzzled because
:messages seems to be using the same 'more' pager so why this difference?

On 16.10.2018 12:07, Steven Holt wrote:
> On 14.10.2018 13:19, John Little wrote:
>> On Sunday, October 14, 2018 at 9:58:54 PM UTC+13, Steven Holt wrote:
>>> In gvim, the output is sliding line by line from the status line
>>> to the top window edge which takes maybe a second or two ...
>> I don't see this, gvim 8.1.0438 Huge version with GTK2 GUI, on
>> Kubuntu 18.04. :ls on 116 buffers and a vertically maximized gvim is
>> imperceptible. (If I maximize horizontally as well, I get an annoying
>> status line flash ⅓ and ⅔ up, but it's quick.)
> Now that I've recorded a video I see it's also quite quick (less than a
> second) but when I'm in the middle of a work it feels very different.
>> So, what OS, DE, and vim version?
> Arch, i3, gvim 8.1. Attached full --version output.
> Also attached screen recording of how it works for me (gvim -u NONE -U
> NONE). Near the end of the video when I :cl twice you can clearly see
> that the more prompt is sliding up with several distinct steps. I'm sure
> it's an animation done on purpose, not screen redraw issues because
> other operations such as resizing windows (I did ^w-_ and ^w-r at the
> end of the video) are instant (and because terminal :cl is equally
> instant even if made fullscreen).
> Any thoughts?

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