Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Re: Problems using v:errmsg

Am 13.09.2018 um 17:10 schrieb Dave Woodfall:
> I'm trying to detect whether or not a g// command worked by checking
> v:errmsg. AFAICT this is almost identical to the example to the
> example in :help errmsg, although there it is using 'silent! next':
> let v:errmsg = ""
> silent! g/^>/
> if v:errmsg == ""
> silent g/^-- $/
> silent g/^>/
> normal 2o
> else
> normal o
> startinsert
> endif
> However it doesn't seem to work. Whatever I try, v:errmsg is always
> empty so the first part of the if statement will run. I've tried with
> and without the '!' and also by using normal instead of silent. Doing
> :echomsg v:errmsg or :messages after vim has been invoked will always
> be empty too.
> Any ideas?
> -Dave

You may check v:statusmsg instead, because a :global command without
match does not produce an *error*.


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