Monday, March 2, 2020

combined keys don't work with 8.2

I'm talking about the input mode. I'm using these key mappings to move the cursor under the input mode:

inoremap <M-i> <Up>
inoremap <M-k> <Down>
inoremap <M-j> <Left>
inoremap <M-l> <Right>
inoremap <M-u> <C-Left>
inoremap <M-o> <C-Right>

These mappings work perfectly with 8.1, They just move the cursor and don't change the text. To my surprise, If you press the arrow keys under the input mode, Then vim would interpret them as the escape-leading sequences and resulting in the text being changed.

Now with 8.2 vim would always interpret the arrow keys as the escape-leading sequences. I think if it's possible to avoid such behaviour with key mappings (like with 8.1), It surely would be preferable.

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