Saturday, July 28, 2012

Re: Display more characters as one

On Sat, Jul 28, 2012 at 03:32:11AM -0700, jachymb wrote:
> Hello, everybody! This is my first post here.

Welcome ;-)

> I stumbled upon the following feature in the haskell editor "yi", I am
> curious if there is something simillar possible in vim (or a plugin for it).
> The idea is quite simple: Display certain character sequences in source code
> as one: for example "->" as "→", or "forall" as "∀" etc. The important
> thing is that the characters in the edited file are left unchanged, only are
> displayed differently to make the code look nicer and save some space on
> screen.
> Is this possible in vim too?

Yes, Vim supports this since 7.3. For more information see:

:help conceal

The following script looks useful:

The script contains installation instructions.

+ privacy is necessary
+ using gnupg
+ public key id: 0x92FEFDB7E44C32F9

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