Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Re: Enable option / disable option

On Tue, 31 Jul 2012, Dotan Cohen wrote:

> On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 3:24 PM, Benjamin R. Haskell <vim@benizi.com> wrote:
>> " <Leader>h toggles the under-cursor highlighting
>> :map <Leader>h let g:under_cursor_hl = 1 - get(g:, 'under_cursor_hl', 1)
>> " Use it in the CursorMoved autocmd
>> :autocmd CursorMoved * if get(g:, 'under_cursor_hl', 1) | exe printf('match
>> IncSearch /\V\<%s\>/', escape(expand('<cword>'), '/\')) | end
>> Or am I missing something?
> Thanks, Ben. The problem is that I cannot turn the feature off! That
> was the question in the OP, with a different method of achieving the
> same effect.

Ah. I didn't understand that you wanted the feature to be completely
eradicated, rather than just turned off (which toggling accomplishes).

> My ultimate goal is to be able to set specific words to be
> highlighted, say toggling them with \hw (highlight word), and _also_
> to have the ablility to toggle highlight-word-under-cursor, say with
> \hh.

Not sure quite what you want w/ the \hw portion, but for the \hh, put
the autocmd in an augroup. Probably not the most elegant VimL, but
it'll work:

fun! EnableUnderCursorHighlighting()
let g:under_cursor_hl_enabled = 1
aug UnderCursorHighlighting
au CursorMoved * if get(g:, 'under_cursor_hl', 1) | exe printf('match IncSearch /\V\<%s\>/', escape(expand('<cword>'), '/\')) | end
aug END

let g:under_cursor_hl = 1

map <Leader>h let g:under_cursor_hl = 1 - g:under_cursor_hl

fun! DisableUnderCursorHighlighting()
unlet g:under_cursor_hl_enabled
aug UnderCursorHighlighting
aug END
unmap <Leader>h

fun! ToggleUnderCursorHighlighting()
if exists('g:under_cursor_hl_enabled')
call EnableUnderCursorHighlighting()
call DisableUnderCursorHighlighting()

map <Leader>hh call ToggleUnderCursorHighlighting()


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