Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Re: vim: how to press after execution of external cmd

> thanks, but...
> I tried following, still I need to press 4 enter...
> function! s:Asciidoc2All()
> let a:destdir = "/Dropbox/temp-transfer/"
> let a:filebasename = "%:t:r"
> let tohtml = "silent w|!asciidoc -a toc -a toclevels=6 -o" . a:destdir . "/" .
> a:filebasename . ".html \"%\""
> let tofodt = "silent w|!asciidoc -b odt -o" . a:destdir . "/" . a:filebasename .
> ".fodt \"%\""
> let tofodp = "silent w|!asciidoc -b odp -o" . a:destdir . "/" . a:filebasename .
> ".fodp \"%\""
> let topdf = "silent w|!a2x -f pdf --verbose --no-xmllint -D" . a:destdir . "/" . "
> \"%\""
> execute tohtml
> execute tofodt
> execute tofodp
> execute topdf
> endfunction

:silent will only apply to :w where you have placed it. You probably
want it to apply to the shell command by putting it between the | and
the !, or to the whole lot by putting it before :execute.


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