Thursday, August 7, 2014

Re: Arrows keys in insert mode stopped working...

On 12:40 Thu 07 Aug , Óscar Pereira wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 07, 2014 at 01:05:34PM +0200, Paolo Bolzoni wrote:
> >It was not fault of the plugins... I was an unexpected side
> >effect of "" inoremap <esc> <nop> "" I setup to push myself to
> >use ctrl-c to change from insert mode to normal mode.
> >
> >It is possible to disable the esc key without breaking the
> >arrows?

I guess you are using vim in a terminal. I think there is no way since
if you hit an arrow key the terminal send an escape code which usually
starts with the same code as for <Esc> key then they are interpreted by
vim. You can check what vim sees when you hit an arrow if hit ctrl-v
+ arrow key in the insert mode.

But your solution will work in gvim.

Best regards,
Marcin Szamotulski

ps. please do not top-post.

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