Monday, August 11, 2014

Re: vim-7.4.389 UI extremely sluggish with custom syntax highlighting plugins

On Monday, August 11, 2014 5:27:58 PM UTC+12, Dominique Pelle wrote:
> I can now reproduce the slow rendering you
> describe with:
> $ cd vim/src
> $ vim -u NONE option.c \
> -c 'syntax on' +471 \
> -c "hi def link RightMargin Error|exec ('match RightMargin /\%<42v.\%>41v/')"
> Then I press CTRL-F and CTRL-B ...

Dominique, I see the problem with your example, and it persists with syntax off;
this is consistent with syntime report not showing anything interesting. The hi def link command has to be present, however.

Regards, John Little

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