Saturday, April 16, 2016

Re: question on VIM syntax: highlight an entire paragraph

Is it possible to highlight an entire paragraph based on a single line content?
I would be interested in changing the color of an entire block of
configuration lines if one of those lines in the block is "enabled =
False", for example.

I am so new to this (*) that I am not even sure what would be the key
words to search for it on google.... So any tip or advice is more than

What is a "paragraph"? Also what exactly you mean by "highlight",

Fair questions, I guess. I will try to be more clear.

I would like to have a VIM syntax file that changes the color or entire paragraphs (a set of lines between two blank lines) if one of the lines in the paragraph matches pattern 
"enabled = False".

I hope now I explained myself better.


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