Friday, August 11, 2017

A very naive question: any doc (book, web page, ...) to learn step by step how to custom configure vim?


first, I sincerely apologize for asking in this forum a question that
I believe is trivial for most members in the list.
However, I think you will understand why I am asking it here.

I am regular VIM user, even though I only know around 1% of the user's features.
But that is fine, since I know the other 99% exist, and how to find
documentation if needed.

What I don't seem to find is a documentation newbies-friendly to
custom configure vim.
I mean, how to modify vimrc, write my own plugins, where to put them,
how to call them, not to mess with standard behavior, and so on.

I know all the documentation is there. Both in google and builtin help
inside VIM.
However, I find it useful when you already know what you are looking
for. Not my case.
I am looking for a step-by-step tutorial, from zero, for those who
don't even know the key words to search in :help
Makes sense?

As said, I apologize if the question is too trivial for this forum, or
it has been posted before.
Other than that, thanks a lot in advance for any hint, or link, if possible :)

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