Tuesday, August 15, 2017

gVim : multiple tab / desktop environnement integration


I need of precision about gVim desktop environnement integration.
I use xfce/thunar (xfce file manager).
When I use gedit editor (set as default editor), when I open a file trought Thunar (right click/open with...), ifgedit is already running, instead of opening a new instance of gedit, gedit opens a new tab in the current instance.
When I set up gvim as default editor, with the same process, an instance of gvim is launched for each file althought gVIm supports multiple tab.

When I run it from command line,
gvim -p *.php
It works fine, one gvim instance, and severals tabs.
Trying to solve this issue can you explain me if gvim application support this feature ?

Best regards.

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