Glad you managed to get it working using DBI.
-- I would like to resolve this issue though Brian.
If there are any Mac users who might have some input into this I would appreciate it.
Please read below.
On Sun, Jul 23, 2017 at 5:43 PM, Brian Libgober <> wrote:
This should result in the same error as you initially reported....
select * from CIK limit 5;
The error I get back
Connection: T(SQLITE) D(/Users/brianlibgober/Dropbox/Collaborations/CleanMake/Main .sqlite) at 17:32
Error: near "<": syntax error
Last command(rc=1):
sqlite3 /Users/brianlibgober/Dropbox/Collaborations/CleanMake/Main.s qlite < /var/folders/p2/nkftf47s5vb8zr 6slgc7fc940000gn/T/v5uxPIb/dbe xt.sql
Last SQL:
.mode column
.headers ON
select * from CIK limit 5
The bizarreness of this is that the following run on terminal:
sqlite3 /Users/brianlibgober/Dropbox/Collaborations/CleanMake/Main.s qlite < /var/folders/p2/nkftf47s5vb8zr 6slgc7fc940000gn/T/v5uxPIb/dbe xt.sql
---------- ---------- -----------
0 0001438823 !J INC
1 0001509607 #1 A LIFESA
2 0001457512 #1 ARIZONA
3 0001433777 #1 PAINTBAL
4 0001427189 $ LLC
Sorry, Brian I have been away.
Yes, your analysis above is definitely strange, if that command worked from the command line, then I would think it also should have worked from the system() command.
What happens when you try these steps:
1. Use the SQLite connection type (instead of DBI as you did before)
2. Set a couple of dbext options
:DBSetOption delete_temp_file=0
:DBSetOption display_cmd_line=1
3. Run the SQL statement
:Select * from CIK limit 5
4. Try it in Vim, without using the dbext plugin
At this point you should have the same error.
But with those options set, the dbext.sql file should still be available and the command line executed should be shown.
Use Vim's echo statement to see the results:
:echo system('sqlite3 /Users/brianlibgober/Dropbox/Collaborations/CleanMake/Main.sqlite < /var/folders/p2/nkftf47s5vb8zr6slgc7fc940000gn/T/v5uxPIb/dbext.sql')
If you do get an error (I hope you do) when using the :echo statement, if you could possibly play with these settings in Vim:
:h 'shellquote'
:h 'shellslash'
:h 'shellpipe'
:h 'shellxquote'
:h 'shellxescape'
:h 'shelltype'
Perhaps :h shellpipe, since it is really complaining about the <?
5. Provide the output from :set and from :DBGetOption
Sorry to ask you to try stuff, but I don't use a Mac, I do test on Linux though.
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