> nnoremap <Leader>s :%s/\<\(<C-r><C-w>\)\>//g<Left><Left>
> I was thinking that I would set the cursor where I need to insert
> the new word, as in "get#Something" where # represents the cursor
> and then I'd need to replace it like so:
> s/\<\(left-of-cursor)\zs\ze(right-of-cursor)\>/whatever/g
You might try something like this:
nnoremap <leader>s :%s/\<lt><c-r>=substitute(expand('<cword>'),
'\l\zs\ze\u', '\\zs\\ze', '')<cr>\>//g<left><left>
(all one command in case email decides to add line-breaks).
This will make <leader>s take the current Word under the cursor, look
for the break between the first lowercase letter and the following
uppercase letter (the "#" point in your "get#Something" example) and
add in the \zs and \ze at that point, then use that in a :substitute
command like your original.
It is a special-case for that lower-followed-by-uppercase transition,
but it sounds like that's what you're interested in here.
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Friday, February 2, 2018
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