Monday, February 1, 2021

PowerShell in vim :terminal - setting the Execution Policy

Hi all,
I want to run a Windows PowerShell in a vim :terminal.

If I start it with

:terminal powershell.exe

I do get a powershell in a terminal buffer, but the "Execution Policy"
is set to "Restricted", which among other things prevents souricing my
profile.ps1 file.

If I start a PowerShell from the "Start" menu, the policy is set to
"RemoteSigned", which is good. The executable being run is the same in
the two cases.

So, here are the questions:
1) how can I get the "RemoteSigned" policy also in the vim terminal instance?
2) why are the two policies different if I start the PowerShell from
the Start menu or inside a vim terminal?

Thank you,

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