> If I close Vim and I reopen it, all the history is gone.
> It looks like Vim can't write the history.
> BTW in which file does Vim write the history ?
> It might be a rights Linux pb.
> :set viminfo?
> viminfo='100,<50,s10,h
Your viminfo should include items for the history as mentioned in
my previous email. I think you want
:set viminfo+=:50
:set viminfo+=/50
though from my reading, if 'viminfo' has a non-empty value and
doesn't explicitly have ":0" or "/0" to force no-history-writing,
it should default to the value of 'history'. That leads me to
your suspicion that Vim can't write to your viminfo file, so
check your file permissions for ~/.viminfo to ensure you own it
and can write to it.
Be sure to read up on the options for what gets written into the
viminfo file
:help 'viminfo'
as well as when & where it gets written:
:help viminfo-file
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