Friday, August 27, 2010

Re: Netrw and new file through ftp connection

Hello, epanda:

I got a Windows version of vim73, installed it (as my attempts at
compiling vim now fail due to the lack of -mno-cygwin with gcc and my
not having installed mingw), opened a cmd window, and was finally able
to duplicate the problem you've been having. I also got a pair of
unwanted blank lines in the display. Anyway, if g:netrw_ftp_cmd has -s:
in it (or -S:), it will assume that its got login information like a
.netrc. I was able to avoid manual entry of the userid+password that
way. I also got rid of the unwanted blank lines (I'm not sure why they
aren't properly deleted as they are under cygwin and linux, but an extra
cleanup command did the trick).

I've now put vim v141a on my website at .

Chip Campbell

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