Tuesday, September 14, 2010

nerdtree/command-t - and split windows?

I'm still getting the hang of split of windows and I'm stumped trying to figure out this behavior.

I'm using NerdTree and Command-T to open up files. If I happen to split the current file (:sp) and then I go to open a new file in that split window (using nerdtree navigation or command-t) it opens the file in that split window. Everything is fine. However, when I'm finished with wanting a split pane and I quit that window (:q) - new files I try to open seem to always open in a split pane? I do not want that to happen and can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. No matter which window I close (top or bottom if horizontal split), new ones seem to open up in a split pane.

How do I close a split window and force any new windows to use the existing window that is remaining (not counting the left hand window with NerdTree in it.) I've been reading over the vim windows docs but am not having much luck figuring out what's going wrong.

Rick R

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