Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Re: Quick way to highlight a report file

Thank you very much Christian ... this is so very useful.

On Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 12:27 PM, Christian Brabandt <cblists@256bit.org> wrote:
> [Fixing quotation. Please don't top poste.]
> On Tue, September 7, 2010 6:32 am, C K Kashyap wrote:
>> On Mon, Sep 6, 2010 at 2:46 PM, Christian Brabandt <cblists@256bit.org>
>> wrote:
>>> call matchadd('WildMenu', '\_^.*\n\zs\%([^      ]*      \)\{3\}\zs[^
>>>  ]*      ')
>> Thank you very much Christian ... this is exactly what I was looking for.
>> May I request you to explain the expression please.
> The Regular Expression boils down to (<tab> is is used in the example to
> visualize the white space part. When using the expression, use a literal
> Tab instead of <tab>):
> \_^.*\n\zs\%([^<tab>]*<tab>\)\{3\}\zs[^<tab>]*<tab>
> This means:
> \_^         " Start of line followed
> .*          " Anything or nothing followed by
> \n          " a line break
> \zs         " The matching starts right after \zs
> So bascially, we skip one line from matching. Following comes the line
> that we want to match:
> \%(         " Start a group at the beginning of a line (remember we are
>            " after a line break)
> [^<tab>]*   " Any other charachter but a <tab> followed by
> <tab>       " a <tab>
> \)\{3\}     " This group repeats 3 times. (the first 3 columns, we don't
>            " want to match)
> \zs         " The match and highlight starts right after here
> [^<tab>]*   " Anything but a <tab> (can be empty)
> <tab>       " The <tab> delimiter for the 4th column
> Now that I look at it, I notice, that the first \zs can be left out. I
> didn't notice yesterday, that I used it twice (which obviously does not
> make sense).
> By the way, typing this might become awkward, especially if you need to
> highlight different columns. So here is a small script, that
> defines the :HiCol command to highlight a specific column. Use :HiCol
> <nr> to have it highlight column <nr>. It uses tab completion so if you
> press <tab> after :HiCol it let's you select the number of columns in
> the current line.
> Simply save the following lines in a small file called columns.vim in your
> plugin folder (e.g. ~/.vim/plugin on Unix or $VIM/vimfiles/plugin on Windows)
> and the script will then be loaded automatically whenever you start vim.
> (Again, please make sure, the regular expression uses literal tabs instead of
> white space.)
> :com! -nargs=1 -complete=custom,NrDelimiters HiCol :call
> HighlightColumn(<args>)
> fun! NrDelimiters(A,L,P)
>     return join(range(1,len(split(getline('.'), "\t"))), "\n")
> endfun
> fun! HighlightColumn(nr)
>     if exists("b:matchcol")
>        call matchdelete(b:matchcol)
>     endif
>     let b:matchcol=matchadd("WildMenu", '\_^.*\n\%([^  ]*      \)\{' .
>     \ (a:nr-1) . '\}\zs[^      ]*      *')
> endfun
> regards,
> Christian
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