Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Re: How to find out why a mapping has timeout?


John Magolske wrote:
> To avoid having to use the shift key when getting to the command
> prompt, I have this in my vimrc :
> noremap ; :
> I just switched over to a new machine with a fresh install of
> Debian, and I'm finding the ; keypress is now subject to timeout...but
> I can't figure out why. This was not the case on my old machine using
> the identical vimrc. How might I go about finding why this behavior
> is occurring?

you probably have two or more mappings that start with ";". You can
check this with

:noremap ;

which will show you all (normal/visual/operator-pending mode) mappings.


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in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us. (Calvin)

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