Karol Samborski wrote:
> I have a problem with using tags. When I hit C-] on a word vim opens a
> list of tags and then I must select number of correct place to jump.
> So it is working like a :tselect instead of :tag (jumping to the first
> one). When I added cscope database besides tags the behavior has
> changed to work properly. So I was happy ;) and I decided to add some
> mappings from help about cscope and then behavior of C-] has changed
> again. Does anyone know how to set C-] to work properly?
I don't see an option that would switch the behaviour of C-], but you
don't happen to have C-] remapped to :tselect or something else, do
you? See, if
:verbose map <C-]>
shows you a mapping.
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in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us. (Calvin)
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