Thursday, June 30, 2011

Re: Passing Env Variables to Grep(as intended folders) search does not work under win32?

Gary thank you for very detail follow up on this. It helped me to see
some of the issues.

You are right that I have set up the grepprg in my rc
"set grepprg=grep\ -niH"

grep -i random %INCLUDES%/*

-> Gvim(win32)
:grep -i random \%INCLUDES\%/*

This way I am also able to use the Vim defined variables as env
variables. For example
let $INCLUDES1=c:\somedevfolder

:grep -i random \%INCLUDES1\%/*

I set my shell to "c:\cygwin\bin\bash" in Gvim
:grep -i random $INCLUDES/*
--works(because uses Cygwin grep) but then I cannot open the files in
the quick fix because they are all in Cygwin Unix paths--

Thanks again for all the help. This is going to be super helpful to

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