Saturday, March 30, 2013

Re: "hi netrwCopyTgt" doesn't bold netrw's target directory for copy

AndyHancock wrote:
> I am trying to get my netrw marked files to show up as yellow, and the
> target directory for copying marked files to show up as bolded cyan.
> In my vimrc, I have:
> syntax on
> color mine
> I deliberately stuck "syntax on" as a precaution because the highlight
> groups netrwMarkFile and netrwCopyTgt don't exist without "syntax
> on". Without it, the "color mine" seems to have no effect in netrw.
> [snip]
> The Cyan for Directory works. The yellow for netrwMarkFile works.
> But the netrwCopyTgt doesn't work (neither bold nor yellow)

The netrwCopyTgt syntax is transparent. You need to get rid of that
modifier. So, put in your .vim/after/syntax/netrw.vim file:

syn clear netrwCopyTgt
syn match netrwCopyTgt "Copy/Move Tgt:" contained skipwhite
hi link netrwCopyTgt Unique

where Unique is whatever color you want (or, instead of hi link ..., use
hi and fg= bg= etc specifications).

C Campbell

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