Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Re: Profiling vim

On 2013–03–27 Marc Weber wrote:

> 2) The bug report says "sometimes it just completely locks up"
> You said it always locks up after 10 secs.
> So your case is much more urgent ?

Not more urgent, but more precise. Actually I think it corresponds
to the 'updatetime', but that's just an assumption.

> > easytags project doesn't seem to be very active, according to the
> > commit history the issue list.
> Right, then we should mask it in vim-addon-manager-known-repository for
> those reasons - being almost unmaintained?

That's a harsh step to take. I would try to contact the maintainer
and ask about the status. He will tell you. If he does not, well,
that's an answer, too. There might be valid reasons for this. Maybe
he did not see the bug reports or he moved the active repo to a
different place or he was on holiday and will catch up with the
development soon, etc. You never know.

> > I don't need this plugin. It hogs my computer and serves no useful
> > purpose.
> Then I wonder why you installed it at all - you must have been looking
> for something.

No. Once in a while (after reading some blog posts or getting bored)
I install a bunch of new plugins and macros. 90% of those I never
use. Every now and then I clean up my vimrc and remove all those
plugins of which I don't even know what they are supposed to do.
That's my way of discovering new functionality.

The last two plugins which I consider awesome and definitely improve
my productivity are 'vim-gitgutter' (the first thing I did was
telling the dev how great his plugin is, in form of a bug report,
which was fixed within no time BTW) and 'unicode'.

> Have you found an alternative serving you well?

The plugin adds or improves the syntax highlighting. That's very
nice and pretty, but doesn't really improve the workflow.

Sorry, no suggestions for alternatives. Perhaps other users will
join the thread at this point.


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