Friday, March 29, 2013

Re: how to undo a register insertion using i_CTRL-R?

Hi Ben!

On Fr, 29 Mär 2013, Ben Fritz wrote:

> On Friday, March 29, 2013 1:07:56 PM UTC-5, Ben Fritz wrote:
> > On Friday, March 29, 2013 10:55:09 AM UTC-5, Maciej Kalisiak wrote:
> > > I love the ability of inserting a register content, directly in insert mode, using i_CTRL-R. However, this gets me into trouble from time to time.
> > >
> > > For example, I might be on a roll, and without leaving insert mode, I enter a whole paragraph or three, which I want to finish with a contents of a register, which I insert using i_CRTL-R. Except, it turns out I did not get the right register (e.g., there was an intervening cut, so it's no longer "1 but rather "2 or "3). Instead of the expected word or phrase, I accidentally pasted a register which contained massive amount of text. Great, I'll just hit undo key in normal mode to undo it. But hold on! This also undoes the whole paragraph or three I typed in before the mistake.
> > >
> > > Gah, how do I undo just the register insertion?! Or do I have to train myself to leave insert mode before register pastes?
> >
> > This problem, and it's prevention, is closely related to:
> >
> >
> >
> > To sum up, you should set up a mapping to break the current undo sequence before triggering the CTRL-R, like:
> >
> > inoremap <C-R> <C-G>u<C-R>
> The problem with this solution, and the reason I don't use it, is because this will make it so you can no longer repeat the change with '.' in normal mode.

Can you give an example? I just tried repeating using '.' and it seemed
to work ok.

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