Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Re: Avoid switching files with ctrl-o

On Monday, January 27, 2014 10:56:44 AM UTC-5, Paul wrote:
>On Sunday, January 26, 2014 8:16:56 AM UTC-5, Christian Brabandt wrote:
>>On Fr, 24 Jan 2014, Paul wrote:
>>> What should the file name be?
>> Whatever you like, though I would suggest a useful name, e.g.
>> filejump.vim
> Thanks, Christian.

I think I'm missing something. I have it stored as c:/Users/USERNAME/Documents/vimfiles/plugin/filejump.vim, and I've since restarted gvim. It's still switching files sometimes. I need to read more about plugins to confirm that it is being picked up, but I'm in a bit of a marathon of back-to-back 15 hour days right now due to a deadline. I'll follow up and post more investigation at next opportunity.

Thanks anyway.

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