Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Re: map with empty yank

On Wednesday, January 29, 2014 12:47:01 AM UTC+4, Carlos Pita wrote:
> For future reference, I'm quoting here what a guy in stackoverflow suggested:
> Note that the semantics of :normal changes when it is contained in a
> try...catch loop, or executed through :silent!: Without it, execution
> of the command sequence aborts when an error is encountered; the rest
> of the sequence is discarded (like in a macro). With it, all commands
> execute, even if an error occurs.
> Therefore, you can get the desired behavior with
> :silent! normal! yi<yi(
> Seems a bit cleaner to me than calling :normal twice.

If this works inside `:try` then it is a bug. Though I am unable to reproduce it. `:silent!` variant is documented.

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