Sunday, January 26, 2014

Re: Replacing a string which is in a line and not in the beginning?

On 26/01/14 09:04, Niels Kobschätzki wrote:
> On 26 Jan 2014, at 6:21, John Little wrote:
>> I suggest using \zs":
>> :%s/.\zs- //g
> It works but what does the /. in there?
> Niels

: start of ex-command
% range, the whole file
s :s[ubstitute] command
/ from
. any character
\zs what will be replaced starts here
- (dash-space) replace this
// by nothing
g everywhere in the line

IOW, replace dash-space by nothing (any number of times per line, in the
whole file), but only if preceded by something on the same line.

Best regards,
Be valiant, but not too venturous.
Let thy attire be comely, but not costly.
-- John Lyly

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