Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Re: Poll: What's good about plugin managers?

Hi Marc,

On Tuesday, March 25, 2014 1:58:52 AM UTC+1, MarcWeber wrote:
> Eg massive downvoting happend on the vam vim.sf.net plugin page for
> whatever reason (drchip removed his plugins form vim.sf.net for a
> similar reason). This is just a reminder for those who missed the
> happenings in the past.

just a heads up: I believe it is obvious why VAM is so heavily downvoted
on vim.org. To tell you the truth, I downvoted it myself too.

The problem is that you didn't upload an archive with a working version
of the plugin, but just a text file saying we have to find the plugin
somewhere else! As it stands, I think the plugin should be removed.

I do have it starred on GitHub, if it makes you feel any better. :)


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