Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Re: Vim Spreadsheets

Am 2014-03-25 12:47, schrieb mascip:

> - you can DIFF it ! (For me, that's the main reason)
> - vim key mappings
> - vimscript, so I can easily program it myself
> - easy to add my own key mappings
> - faster to open and save than Libreoffice
> I've done a bit of research and found these so far:
> - CSV.VIM:
> http://www.256bit.org/~chrisbra/csv.gif
> https://github.com/chrisbra/csv.vim
> inspired by this advice for CSV files:
> http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Working_with_CSV_files [3]
> seems to be maybe the best one at the moment... I haven't had the time
> to try it out yet

It was made to make handling of CSV files easier and not for
manipulating data or even a
spreadsheet tool. However for a long time I have been thinking if it is
possible to add formular
support to it, but I don't have any idea how to do it right. You would
need 2 views on a buffer
one for editing formulas and one for seeing the result. And this would
get even more complicated
if those formulas can be nested.

Therefore, csv.vim does not currently support this. I might add it
later, if support is requested and
can be reasonably well implemented.

It has never before requested however ;) Nevertheless csv.vim contains
some functions, that could be used
for example at evaluating the Sum of a column or to get the Cell at a
specified index.

Christian (csv.vim creator)

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