Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Re: Vim and Lisp

THere is
* old patch for vim implementing terminal
* newer patch for neovim implementing terminal

No idea how the emacs thing feels like - a terminal emulation does not
cope that well with copy/paste vim style and vim templates engines and
whatnot which is why I chose to use a simple buffer, get back stdout and
just display it at the bottom of the buffer.
You can send stdin by typing text, selecting it and hitting <cr> or by
<space><cr> or such, see README.

Moreover some completion was implemented for ruby and others ..
No idea about emacs.

Vim / async has some troubles such as "is it in command window mode" I
had to try working around.

Why not just install and use such command to get your repl?
Replace sh by your interpreter

command! AsyncSh call async_porcelaine#LogToBuffer({'cmd':'/bin/sh -i', 'move_last':1, 'prompt': '^.*\$[$] '})

completion typically works by sending some chars to the intpreter and
intercepting the result bevor it gets shown to the user - see samples.

Marc Weber

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