Thursday, December 6, 2018

:p & :P bugs?

Brought to my attention by this thread:

It seems to me that :p should always only print the line, even if
'number' is set. If you want to print the line with its line-number,
you can either use ":p#" (:help ex-flags) or even just ":#". But
without storing 'nu' and deactivating it before issuing and restoring
the state of 'nu' after, there's no way to get unnumbered results.

Additionally, while reading over those docs, I encountered that
":P[rint]" should do the same thing as ":p", but netrwPlugin.vim
overrides ":P" in a fairly stock environment (in a fresh OpenBSD
system, installed vim; invoking "vim" had netrwPlugin loaded). That
said, if invoked as "vim -u NONE", the `:P` works as documented. So
it seems like either the docs should be updated so that ":help :P"
goes to netrw docs; or netrw's "Pexplore" shouldn't override the
built-in ":P"

(and here's hoping that your mail-client doesn't turn all those
colon-P strings into smile-with-tongue-out emoji)


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