Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Re: I need to fool vim to think buffer starts at column n

On 03.12.18 17:40, Magnus Woldrich wrote:
> Hi list,
> I'd like to stop vim from modifying the first n columns of a buffer, no
> matter what I do in it.

To comply with the requirement "no matter what I do in it", ISTM to be
necessary to use something like "cut" to strip the first n-1 columns
into another file, then prepend them again after exiting the vim session.
Otherwise there'll always be ways to, even accidentally, circumvent a
soft barrier in vim.

Mind you, that's a problem if you add/delete/reorder lines in the edit
session - unless those actions are carried out by macros which operate
on both files. But then, those macros could also be circumvented. ;-)

It is an evasive little squirrel to catch.


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