Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Re: I need to fool vim to think buffer starts at column n

On Di, 04 Dez 2018, Magnus Woldrich wrote:

> Gary, Tim,
> Thank you for your suggestions. The %>8c trick works, and I also found another way:
> :%s;\v\./\zs;;
> However:
> Since I don't want to type this every time, I made a cnoremap like so:
> cnoremap %s %s/\v\.\/\zs
> Which works, but what about all other operations that you can do on a buffer?
> cnoremapping 'g' for example isn't great, and I'd like to perform any
> arbitary function on the content in the buffer.
> The most ideal solution would be to have vim completely ignore the first
> columns, no matter what I do in the buffer.
> I'm not sure what direction I should go at this point.
> Check this short svg animation to see what I'm doing:
> http://japh.se/vidir_col.svg
> And this is the project itself: https://github.com/trapd00r/vidir

Sounded similar although I thought this was originally from Joey Hess.

I suppose, it's not really "ignore the first couple of characters", as
they may matter if you order the lines differently, isn't it? Else your
perl script could simply leave out putting those numbers into the buffer
in the first place and just add them after the file has been written
when you actually need them.

I don't think there are good alternatives. You can conceal the first
couple of characters, but that won't help against users changing those

I have written the NrrwRgn plugin, that might be an alternative. It can
open a selected region inside another window and on ':w' will write the
changes back into the original buffer. That won't help against ordering
the lines differently.

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