Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Re: How can I undock a file panel from a split window?

On Di, 15 Jun 2021, L A Walsh wrote:

> > That is not supported, Vim only works with one toplevel window.
> ----
> Why can't it allow undocking like other GUI apps? I'm not wanting
> it to be a separate instance of vim -- since I want it to be a
> different view on the same file -- so it's not like something that
> would need interprocess communication -- but really just another GUI
> window like browsers (like firefox or palemoon), like, I think,
> Visual Studio, or Thunderbird. Seems like its not an uncommon feature,
> and certainly would fit well with the idea of being able to undock
> separate windows or tabs from the main window, no?
> I.e. might it not be supportable?

It has simply not been implemented.

Wie man sein Kind nicht nennen sollte:
Ute Rus

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