Saturday, June 26, 2021

Re: Plugin works in TUI not GUI

You are making a category error: what you have trouble with is txtfmt, not Vim. Instead of spamming Vim's mailing list, I would suggest you use the txtfmt's dedicated issue tracker.

Le samedi 26 juin 2021 à 01:30:48 UTC+2, a écrit :
I recently installed the plugin txtfmt and used it successfully in Vim TUI mode.

It is activated with the command :set ft=txtfmt. Then, to highlight a region, you enter \h, then it prompts you for a color.

I can confirm the installation in Gvim was successful with the command :MakeTestPage.

For some reason, :set ft=txtfmt has not returned the expected confirmation message, and appears to do nothing.

Could anyone shed light on why this might be?

Thank you very much,

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