Friday, June 11, 2021

Re: How can I undock a file panel from a split window?

Ultimately I added:

  let curfile = @%

and added that to:

  call system("mvim ".curfile." -S ".shellescape(sessionfile).' -c "set lines='.h.' columns='.w.'"'.' -c "winpos '.x.' '.y.'"')

and it seems to work for me.  I'm assuming mvim is lacking something gvim automatically does.

On Friday, June 11, 2021 at 11:47:15 AM UTC-4 wrote:

I tried it. I'm using MacVim.  I edited the plugin replacing 'gvim' with 'mvim'.

It closes the current tab (good), opens a new macvim window (good) that is empty (bad).

I'm guessing the purpose of creating a new tmpname is to hold the contents of the current buffer without forcing it to be saved first, except the current buffer isn't getting written?
On Thursday, June 10, 2021 at 7:56:56 PM UTC-4 Charles Campbell wrote:
L A Walsh wrote:
> If I use split, I can create a separate panel that
> is a view on a file.
> How can I undock it?
Its not exactly what you're asking for, but I wrote something called
"Detach" which will detach a tab into its own process. ctrl-w T will
move a window into a new tab. The :Detach command will cause the
currently visible tab and all its windows to be brought up in a separate
gvim. Detaching a tab yields two independent instances of vim/gvim: they
do not share variables, vim functions, etc. If you're interested, you
may get it from .

Chip Campbell

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