Wednesday, July 31, 2013

error installing 7.4a

Firstly, on a Debian distro,

sudo apt-get build-dep vim-gtk

would have avoided your first problem.

Secondly, I see "linked fine" in the make output; that's a success message, there should be a vim executable in the src directory.

Have you set configure options to get the features you want? Like a GUI, or script language (f. ex. perl, python, ruby, lua...) support? I use Tony Mechelynk's method, see:

Regards, John Little

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Re: feature request - encrypt vim 'save' files

On Wednesday, July 31, 2013 11:10:14 AM UTC-5, shawn wilson wrote:
> Some things that vim keeps can leak information. I'm curious if there
> would be any issues with encrypting backupdir, directory, undodir, and
> viminfo files?

The only thing in that list that Vim does not encrypt, if you decide to write an encrypted file, is the viminfo file.

See :help encryption, and also

> Basically, I'm thinking that either vim could either use a per file
> pass based on a keyring or a global password. If this feature were on
> and the password / decryption failed, a non-encrypted file could be
> used (encrypted filetypes would be defined with an extension so having
> one file with an encrypted and plaintext swpfile for instance, would
> be sane). That or the file just isn't written/used if the feature is
> on and no/wrong password is present.

Oh, I see. You want to write UNENCRYPTED files, but have Vim's "helper" files related to your editing be encrypted.

I could see the utility of this. But then Vim would need to ask for a password every time it started up and read the .viminfo file.

I think it might be easier to set up an encrypted home directory, and set your backupdir, directory, and undodir to reside within. Then Vim doesn't need to worry about it at all.

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feature request - encrypt vim 'save' files

Some things that vim keeps can leak information. I'm curious if there
would be any issues with encrypting backupdir, directory, undodir, and
viminfo files?

Basically, I'm thinking that either vim could either use a per file
pass based on a keyring or a global password. If this feature were on
and the password / decryption failed, a non-encrypted file could be
used (encrypted filetypes would be defined with an extension so having
one file with an encrypted and plaintext swpfile for instance, would
be sane). That or the file just isn't written/used if the feature is
on and no/wrong password is present.


PS - If I open a file that allows write for a group I'm in, I can
write it and will get a swpfile with permissions for my default group.
This is a part of the data leakage I'm talking about.
PPS - does the right thing (with
not saving anything externally).

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Re: glob() does not like 'lib'?

On Wed, July 31, 2013 13:38, Saulius G. wrote:
> Hi,
> It seems that glob() returns empty for every existing directory, which
> ends with '/lib'.
> For example, glob('/tmp/lib') returns empty string. Directory '/tmp/lib'
> exists.
> I'm using latest version of VIM - 7.4b BETA.
> Is it a bug?

I don't see this. Can you reproduce it with
vim -u NONE -U NONE -N?

Have you checked the permissions of the directory?


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glob() does not like 'lib'?


It seems that glob() returns empty for every existing directory, which ends with '/lib'.

For example, glob('/tmp/lib') returns empty string. Directory '/tmp/lib' exists.

I'm using latest version of VIM - 7.4b BETA.

Is it a bug?


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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Re: strikethrough text in gvim

diff --git a/runtime/doc/eval.txt b/runtime/doc/eval.txt
--- a/runtime/doc/eval.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/eval.txt
@@ -5823,6 +5823,7 @@
"standout" "1" if standout
"underline" "1" if underlined
"undercurl" "1" if undercurled
+ "strike" "1" if strikethrough

Example (echoes the color of the syntax item under the
cursor): >
diff --git a/runtime/doc/syntax.txt b/runtime/doc/syntax.txt
--- a/runtime/doc/syntax.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/syntax.txt
@@ -4459,12 +4459,14 @@

*bold* *underline* *undercurl*
*inverse* *italic* *standout*
+ *strikethrough*
term={attr-list} *attr-list* *highlight-term* *E418*
attr-list is a comma separated list (without spaces) of the
following items (in any order):
undercurl not always available
+ strikethrough not always available
inverse same as reverse
@@ -4474,8 +4476,8 @@
Note that "bold" can be used here and by using a bold font. They
have the same effect.
"undercurl" is a curly underline. When "undercurl" is not possible
- then "underline" is used. In general "undercurl" is only available in
- the GUI. The color is set with |highlight-guisp|.
+ then "underline" is used. In general "undercurl" and "strikethrough"
+ is only available in the GUI. The color is set with |highlight-guisp|.

start={term-list} *highlight-start* *E422*
stop={term-list} *term-list* *highlight-stop*
@@ -4633,7 +4635,8 @@
guibg={color-name} *highlight-guibg*
guisp={color-name} *highlight-guisp*
These give the foreground (guifg), background (guibg) and special
- (guisp) color to use in the GUI. "guisp" is used for undercurl.
+ (guisp) color to use in the GUI. "guisp" is used for undercurl and
+ strikethrough.
There are a few special names:
NONE no color (transparent)
bg use normal background color
diff --git a/src/eval.c b/src/eval.c
--- a/src/eval.c
+++ b/src/eval.c
@@ -17835,6 +17835,10 @@
case 's':
if (TOLOWER_ASC(what[1]) == 'p') /* sp[#] */
p = highlight_color(id, what, modec);
+ /* strikeout */
+ else if (TOLOWER_ASC(what[1]) == 't' &&
+ TOLOWER_ASC(what[2]) == 'r')
+ p = highlight_has_attr(id, HL_STRIKETHROUGH, modec);
else /* standout */
p = highlight_has_attr(id, HL_STANDOUT, modec);
diff --git a/src/gui.c b/src/gui.c
--- a/src/gui.c
+++ b/src/gui.c
@@ -2382,6 +2382,7 @@
/* Do we underline the text? */
if (hl_mask_todo & HL_UNDERLINE)
draw_flags |= DRAW_UNDERL;
/* Do we underline the text? */
if ((hl_mask_todo & HL_UNDERLINE)
@@ -2395,6 +2396,10 @@
if (hl_mask_todo & HL_UNDERCURL)
draw_flags |= DRAW_UNDERC;

+ /* Do we strikethrough the text? */
+ if (hl_mask_todo & HL_STRIKETHROUGH)
+ draw_flags |= DRAW_STRIKE;
/* Do we draw transparently? */
if (flags & GUI_MON_TRS_CURSOR)
draw_flags |= DRAW_TRANSP;
diff --git a/src/gui.h b/src/gui.h
--- a/src/gui.h
+++ b/src/gui.h
@@ -142,6 +142,7 @@
# define DRAW_ITALIC 0x10 /* draw italic text */
#define DRAW_CURSOR 0x20 /* drawing block cursor (win32) */
+#define DRAW_STRIKE 0x40 /* strikethrough */

/* For our own tearoff menu item */
#define TEAR_STRING "-->Detach"
diff --git a/src/gui_gtk_x11.c b/src/gui_gtk_x11.c
--- a/src/gui_gtk_x11.c
+++ b/src/gui_gtk_x11.c
@@ -4883,6 +4883,15 @@
FILL_X(col), y,
FILL_X(col + cells) - 1, y);
+ /* Draw a strikethrough line */
+ if (flags & DRAW_STRIKE)
+ {
+ gdk_gc_set_foreground(gui.text_gc, gui.spcolor);
+ gdk_draw_line(gui.drawarea->window, gui.text_gc,
+ FILL_X(col), y + 1 - gui.char_height/2, FILL_X(col + cells), y + 1 - gui.char_height/2);
+ gdk_gc_set_foreground(gui.text_gc, gui.fgcolor);
+ }

diff --git a/src/gui_mac.c b/src/gui_mac.c
--- a/src/gui_mac.c
+++ b/src/gui_mac.c
@@ -4043,6 +4043,11 @@
MoveTo(FILL_X(col), FILL_Y(row + 1) - 1);
LineTo(FILL_X(col + len) - 1, FILL_Y(row + 1) - 1);
+ if (flags & DRAW_STRIKE)
+ {
+ MoveTo(FILL_X(col), FILL_Y(row + 1) - gui.char_height/2);
+ LineTo(FILL_X(col + len) - 1, FILL_Y(row + 1) - gui.char_height/2);
+ }

if (flags & DRAW_UNDERC)
diff --git a/src/gui_w32.c b/src/gui_w32.c
--- a/src/gui_w32.c
+++ b/src/gui_w32.c
@@ -2492,6 +2492,18 @@
DeleteObject(SelectObject(s_hdc, old_pen));

+ /* Strikethrough */
+ if (flags & DRAW_STRIKE)
+ {
+ hpen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, gui.currSpColor);
+ old_pen = SelectObject(s_hdc, hpen);
+ y = FILL_Y(row + 1) - gui.char_height/2;
+ MoveToEx(s_hdc, FILL_X(col), y, NULL);
+ /* Note: LineTo() excludes the last pixel in the line. */
+ LineTo(s_hdc, FILL_X(col + len), y);
+ DeleteObject(SelectObject(s_hdc, old_pen));
+ }
/* Undercurl */
if (flags & DRAW_UNDERC)
diff --git a/src/gui_x11.c b/src/gui_x11.c
--- a/src/gui_x11.c
+++ b/src/gui_x11.c
@@ -2676,6 +2676,16 @@
y, FILL_X(col + cells) - 1, y);

+ if (flags & DRAW_STRIKE)
+ {
+ int y = FILL_Y(row + 1) - gui.char_height/2;
+ XSetForeground(gui.dpy, gui.text_gc, prev_sp_color);
+ XDrawLine(gui.dpy, gui.wid, gui.text_gc, FILL_X(col),
+ y, FILL_X(col + cells) - 1, y);
+ XSetForeground(gui.dpy, gui.text_gc, prev_fg_color);
+ }
if (current_fontset != NULL)
XSetClipMask(gui.dpy, gui.text_gc, None);
diff --git a/src/syntax.c b/src/syntax.c
--- a/src/syntax.c
+++ b/src/syntax.c
@@ -82,10 +82,10 @@
* following names, separated by commas (but no spaces!).
static char *(hl_name_table[]) =
- {"bold", "standout", "underline", "undercurl",
+ {"bold", "standout", "underline", "undercurl", "strikethrough",
"italic", "reverse", "inverse", "NONE"};
static int hl_attr_table[] =

static int get_attr_entry __ARGS((garray_T *table, attrentry_T *aep));
static void syn_unadd_group __ARGS((void));
diff --git a/src/term.c b/src/term.c
--- a/src/term.c
+++ b/src/term.c
@@ -195,6 +195,8 @@
{(int)KS_US, IF_EB("\033|8h", ESC_STR "|8h")}, /* HL_UNDERLINE */
{(int)KS_UCE, IF_EB("\033|8C", ESC_STR "|8C")}, /* HL_UNDERCURL */
{(int)KS_UCS, IF_EB("\033|8c", ESC_STR "|8c")}, /* HL_UNDERCURL */
+ {(int)KS_STE, IF_EB("\033|4C", ESC_STR "|4C")}, /* HL_STRIKETHROUGH */
+ {(int)KS_STS, IF_EB("\033|4c", ESC_STR "|4c")}, /* HL_STRIKETHROUGH */
{(int)KS_CZR, IF_EB("\033|4H", ESC_STR "|4H")}, /* HL_ITALIC */
{(int)KS_CZH, IF_EB("\033|4h", ESC_STR "|4h")}, /* HL_ITALIC */
{(int)KS_VB, IF_EB("\033|f", ESC_STR "|f")},
diff --git a/src/term.h b/src/term.h
--- a/src/term.h
+++ b/src/term.h
@@ -51,6 +51,8 @@
KS_US, /* underscore (underline) mode */
KS_UCE, /* exit undercurl mode */
KS_UCS, /* undercurl mode */
+ KS_STE, /* exit strikethrough mode */
+ KS_STS, /* strikethrough mode */
KS_MS, /* save to move cur in reverse mode */
KS_CM, /* cursor motion */
KS_SR, /* scroll reverse (backward) */
@@ -129,6 +131,8 @@
#define T_US (term_str(KS_US)) /* underscore (underline) mode */
#define T_UCE (term_str(KS_UCE)) /* exit undercurl mode */
#define T_UCS (term_str(KS_UCS)) /* undercurl mode */
+#define T_STE (term_str(KS_STE)) /* exit strikethrough mode */
+#define T_STS (term_str(KS_STS)) /* strikethrough mode */
#define T_MS (term_str(KS_MS)) /* save to move cur in reverse mode */
#define T_CM (term_str(KS_CM)) /* cursor motion */
#define T_SR (term_str(KS_SR)) /* scroll reverse (backward) */
diff --git a/src/vim.h b/src/vim.h
--- a/src/vim.h
+++ b/src/vim.h
@@ -662,7 +662,8 @@
#define HL_UNDERLINE 0x08
#define HL_UNDERCURL 0x10
#define HL_STANDOUT 0x20
-#define HL_ALL 0x3f
+#define HL_STRIKETHROUGH 0x40
+#define HL_ALL 0x4f

/* special attribute addition: Put message in history */
#define MSG_HIST 0x1000
On Mi, 24 Jul 2013, Jeroen Budts wrote:

> I have a feature request for gvim, I'm not sure if I should ask it
> here or on the dev list?
> Would it be possible to add support for strikethrough text in Gvim?
> Since gvim can already display bold, italic, underline and undercurl
> text I guess it can't be too difficult to add this to gvim?
> Strikethrough text would be useful in multiple occasions imho. For
> example in Vimwiki you can add ~~some text~~ which will be rendered
> to html as strikethrough, so it would be nice if gvim could actually
> show it as strikethrough (exactly the same as currently for *bold*
> and _italic_ text in vimwiki).
> Or for example to clearly indicate removed text when viewing a diff.
> Jeroen

This sounds like an interesting idea and I thought, it would be fun, to
check how easy it would be to implement it.

Attached is a patch to try out. It seems to work for me with GTK and
Motif Gui. I am a Unix gui and can't say for sure the code for Windows
and Mac is actually correct and works, though.

Secondly, I am unsure about the changes to term.c and term.h
I don't know, if these changes are actually needed, so I simply took the
undercurl code as an example and changed it so it would fit for


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Re: Regexp help

On Jul 30, 2013 7:26 PM, "Erik Christiansen" <> wrote:
> On 30.07.13 07:41, Ben Fritz wrote:
> > The OP specifically said that valid decimals are "in the form 1.0D0,
> > or more precisely \d\+\.\d\+D\d\+" so I didn't try stuff like "123."
> > or ".123".
> Wot ... just trust the problem specification? OK, the OP might be a
> mathematician or engineer, since fortran is mentioned, so you're
> probably right. But in years gone by, I sometimes wrote regexes for
> others in a technical department, and the original problem spec almost
> always had to be tightened, to exclude stuff which hadn't been thought of.
> > But possibly as in the other thread we need to account for negative numbers?
> If we change the test text to:
> 123 123.0 123. -456 0.123 .123 789
> then what we had:
> > > /\v\.@<!<\d+>\.@!
> also finds -456, but the cursor is on the 4, not the minus sign.
> If signed integers are also needed, we'd probably have to ditch the
> precondition, since /\v(-?|\.@<!)<\d+>\.@! introduces an ambiguity which
> defeats that alternative. (It's rotten regex construction.)
> This, though, finds "-456", rather than "456":
> \v(^|[ \t+-])<\d+>\.@!
> but again finds "123" " 789", as before. Maybe that's OK?

If you are speaking about numbers in programming language you should take care about expressions: there is no number -456 in expression 123-456. Also note that in programming languages negative numbers may exist only as optimization for minus being an unary operator in an expression -456 (it does not make any difference whether you treat -456 as unary minus applied to positive 456 or as a negative number; but the latter is faster). So I would not widen the request this way.


should be fine.

> Erik
> --
> Remembering is for those who have forgotten.
>                             - Chinese proverb
> --
> --
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Re: Regexp help

On 30.07.13 07:41, Ben Fritz wrote:
> The OP specifically said that valid decimals are "in the form 1.0D0,
> or more precisely \d\+\.\d\+D\d\+" so I didn't try stuff like "123."
> or ".123".

Wot ... just trust the problem specification? OK, the OP might be a
mathematician or engineer, since fortran is mentioned, so you're
probably right. But in years gone by, I sometimes wrote regexes for
others in a technical department, and the original problem spec almost
always had to be tightened, to exclude stuff which hadn't been thought of.

> But possibly as in the other thread we need to account for negative numbers?

If we change the test text to:

123 123.0 123. -456 0.123 .123 789

then what we had:

> > /\v\.@<!<\d+>\.@!

also finds -456, but the cursor is on the 4, not the minus sign.
If signed integers are also needed, we'd probably have to ditch the
precondition, since /\v(-?|\.@<!)<\d+>\.@! introduces an ambiguity which
defeats that alternative. (It's rotten regex construction.)

This, though, finds "-456", rather than "456":

\v(^|[ \t+-])<\d+>\.@!

but again finds "123" " 789", as before. Maybe that's OK?


Remembering is for those who have forgotten.
- Chinese proverb

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error installing 7.4a

I've installed a new version of Kubuntu (12.04) and rebuilding vim from the source downloaded previously (I have my /home on a separate partition).

I ran into problems rebuilding for the new OS (had to install termcap.h), and retrying after that install didn't work. So, I just ran:
make -B
thinking that would just rebuild everything as man says.

However, this resulted in the following errors:
checking setjmp.h presence... yes
checking for setjmp.h... yes
checking for GCC 3 or later... yes
checking whether we need -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=1... yes
checking linker --as-needed support... yes
configure: updating cache auto/config.cache
configure: creating auto/config.status
config.status: creating auto/
config.status: creating auto/config.h
config.status: auto/config.h is unchanged
Reaping winning child 0x0211e300 PID 9497
Removing child 0x0211e300 PID 9497 from chain.
Successfully remade target file `auto/'.
Considering target file `Makefile'.
Finished prerequisites of target file `Makefile'.
Making `Makefile' due to always-make flag.
Must remake target `Makefile'.
Putting child 0x02122690 (Makefile) PID 12883 on the chain.
Live child 0x02122690 (Makefile) PID 12883
/bin/sh: 1: Syntax error: "(" unexpected
Reaping losing child 0x02122690 PID 12883
make: *** [Makefile] Error 2
Removing child 0x02122690 PID 12883 from chain.

Then I tried just 'make' and got the following:
-c -I. -Iproto -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I/usr/local/include -g -O2 -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=1 version.c -o objects/version.o $LINK_AS_NEEDED set to 'yes': invoking linker directly.
gcc -L/usr/local/lib -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/lib -Wl,--as-needed -o vim objects/buffer.o objects/blowfish.o objects/charset.o objects/diff.o objects/digraph.o objects/edit.o objects/eval.o objects/ex_cmds.o objects/ex_cmds2.o objects/ex_docmd.o objects/ex_eval.o objects/ex_getln.o objects/fileio.o objects/fold.o objects/getchar.o objects/hardcopy.o objects/hashtab.o objects/if_cscope.o objects/if_xcmdsrv.o objects/mark.o objects/memline.o objects/menu.o objects/message.o objects/misc1.o objects/misc2.o objects/move.o objects/mbyte.o objects/normal.o objects/ops.o objects/option.o objects/os_unix.o objects/pathdef.o objects/popupmnu.o objects/quickfix.o objects/regexp.o objects/screen.o objects/search.o objects/sha256.o objects/spell.o objects/syntax.o objects/tag.o objects/term.o objects/ui.o objects/undo.o objects/version.o objects/window.o objects/netbeans.o objects/main.o objects/memfile.o -lm -ltinfo -lnsl -ldl Linked fine
cd xxd; CC="gcc" CFLAGS="-I/usr/local/include -g -O2 -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=1" LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/lib -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/lib -Wl,--as-needed" \
make -f Makefile
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/jseidel/vimbuild/src/xxd'
gcc -I/usr/local/include -g -O2 -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=1 -L/usr/local/lib -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/lib -Wl,--as-needed -DUNIX -o xxd xxd.c
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/jseidel/vimbuild/src/xxd'

Any suggestions? I may just try re-downloading the src and starting over from scratch. Thanks!

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Re: regexp help

On 30.07.13 10:25, Charles Campbell wrote:
> Erik Christiansen wrote:
> >123 123.0 123. 456 0.123 .123 789
> Try...
> /\<-\=[0-9]\+\ze\_s

That fails here, also matching the fractional parts of the non-integers.
The tweak of Ben Fritz's regex, on his second thread on this topic,
seems to perform better, matching only the integers.


If society fits you comfortably enough, you call it freedom.
- Robert Frost

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Re: Regexp help

On Tuesday, July 30, 2013 9:27:51 AM UTC-5, Erik Christiansen wrote:
> On 30.07.13 06:57, Ben Fritz wrote:
> > Maybe better using "very magic":
> Everything's better with \v ;-)

Yes. I occasionally edit portions of my .vimrc where I didn't used it, and wonder why.

> > \v<\d+>\.@!
> On the test line:
> 123 123.0 123. 456 0.123 .123 789

The OP specifically said that valid decimals are "in the form 1.0D0, or more precisely \d\+\.\d\+D\d\+" so I didn't try stuff like "123." or ".123".

But possibly as in the other thread we need to account for negative numbers?

> that regex also detects the fractional parts as integers, so it still
> needs a tweak. This seems to do it:
> /\v\.@<!<\d+>\.@!

Good. Even without the narrow constraints I assumed it's fairly easy to tweak to get it more correct.

For the OP, Erik added a negative look-behind (similar to the look-ahead my first response used but constraining what comes BEFORE instead). See :help /\@<!

> But even that finds 06 and 57 in 06:57. Whether they are desired
> integers may vary between use cases. Admittedly they'll probably only
> crop up in rare strings in a fortran program.

Good point...but these would be harder to guard against.

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Re: Regexp help

On 30.07.13 06:57, Ben Fritz wrote:
> Maybe better using "very magic":

Everything's better with \v ;-)

> \v<\d+>\.@!

On the test line:

123 123.0 123. 456 0.123 .123 789

that regex also detects the fractional parts as integers, so it still
needs a tweak. This seems to do it:


But even that finds 06 and 57 in 06:57. Whether they are desired
integers may vary between use cases. Admittedly they'll probably only
crop up in rare strings in a fortran program.


Mollison's Bureaucracy Hypothesis:
If an idea can survive a bureaucratic review and be implemented
it wasn't worth doing.

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Re: regexp help

Erik Christiansen wrote:
> 123 123.0 123. 456 0.123 .123 789

Chip Campbell

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What is `Identifier` for?


I'm currently trying to help maintain a community syntax plugin, and an uncertainty has caused some controversy: `:help :hi` contains a list of default syntax groups, and among them is the very straightforward `Identifier`, which is explained as "any variable name". The problem arose when all variables were highlighted with `Identifier`; it was hideous. The default colorscheme (and indeed almost every colorscheme Vim ships with) was obscenely noisy and cluttered.

It was argued that syntactical correctness was more important than conforming to the expectations of allegedly sloppy colorschemes that did not care to account for properly highlighted syntax, and while this did little to make the users happy about the change, it seemed a compelling argument in principle - until, that is, someone brought up the fact that `c.vim` (presumably the longest and best maintained syntax file; it is thought to be exemplary) does not even use the `Identifier` group.

Eventually, it was decided that this all made it very unclear what the intended direction (from the perspective of the Vim project as a whole) was. Thus, I come to the source. From Bram's (and others similarly heavily invested in the project) own mouth, I'd like to hear what the best way to go is. Should we push for the colorschemes to get their collective acts together? Is `Identifier` a relic that should be left untouched? My hope is that the answers will be found here.

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Re: Regexp help

On Tuesday, July 30, 2013 4:15:37 AM UTC-5, kilter wrote:
> I have a fortran program in which there are two sorts of numbers, integers which are simply digits not followed by a period, and double precision numbers in the form 1.0D0, or more precisely \d\+\.\d\+D\d\+ I would like to search for the former, avoiding the latter. Any suggestions gratefully received!

You need a negative look-ahead assertion. I.e. a way to tell Vim, "match my pattern wherever this other pattern DOESN'T match after it". The way to do this is Vim is using \@!. But you also need to make sure not to match the stuff after the . with your pattern. I found an easy way to do this is just anchoring to word boundaries with \< and \>.

So the final pattern is:


Maybe better using "very magic":


See :help /\@!

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Re: regexp help

On 30.07.13 10:18, RICHARD PITMAN wrote:
> Apologies if this is a re-post, I think the first went to the wrong address...
> I have a fortran program in which there are two sorts of numbers,
> integers which are simply digits not followed by a period, and double
> precision numbers in the form 1.0D0, or more precisely \d\+\.\d\+D\d\+
> I would like to search for the former, avoiding the latter.

When I apply this search:

/\v([ \t]|^)[0-9]+\_s

to this line:

123 123.0 123. 456 0.123 .123 789

it stops only at each integer. Is that close enough?
(It includes leading space. But perhaps \@<= could fix that, if it's

I would have expected

/\v[ \t^][0-9]+\_s

to also match, but '^' isn't working for me as "start of line" in the
character class. (It is only as first character in the class (Vim calls
that a "collection"), that it would negate the class.)

The regex has the benefit of being largely posix, just using vim's \_s
as shorthand for (whitespace or EOL). (Most posix implementations have
extensions, so why shouldn't vim?)


In attempting to ride roughshod over 1170 written objections, a local
government determination, a resident survey 94% against them, and years of
protests, McDonald's is seeking to trash democracy, AFAICT. We do _not_ want
them in our hills! BURGER OFF from Tecoma. See:

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Re: regexp help

On 11:37 Tue 30 Jul , Davido wrote:
> RICHARD PITMAN <> wrote, on mar 30 jui 10:18 :
> > Apologies if this is a re-post, I think the first went to the wrong address...
> >
> > I have a fortran program in which there are two sorts of numbers,
> > integers which are simply digits not followed by a period, and double
> > precision numbers in the form 1.0D0, or more precisely \d\+\.\d\+D\d\+ I would like to search for the former, avoiding the latter.
> >
> >
> > Any
> > suggestions gratefully received!
> >
> The Boolpat plugin can combine patterns with logical operator
> (and/or/not), it may help you :
> --
> Regards,
> Davido
> --
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You can try something like this, though it is not perfect (since it
matches every digit separately):



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Re: regexp help

> > I have a fortran program in which there are two sorts of numbers,
> > integers which are simply digits not followed by a period, and double
> > precision numbers in the form 1.0D0, or more precisely \d\+\.\d\+D\d\+ I would like to search for the former, avoiding the latter.
> >
> >
> > Any
> > suggestions gratefully received!
> >
> The Boolpat plugin can combine patterns with logical operator
> (and/or/not), it may help you :
> --
> Regards,
> Davido

Many thanks Davido,

This helps a little, except that it searches line wise and so ill miss instances of integers where they occur on the same line a a double precision number

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Re: regexp help

RICHARD PITMAN <> wrote, on mar 30 jui 10:18 :

> Apologies if this is a re-post, I think the first went to the wrong address...
> I have a fortran program in which there are two sorts of numbers,
> integers which are simply digits not followed by a period, and double
> precision numbers in the form 1.0D0, or more precisely \d\+\.\d\+D\d\+ I would like to search for the former, avoiding the latter.
> Any
> suggestions gratefully received!

The Boolpat plugin can combine patterns with logical operator
(and/or/not), it may help you :



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regexp help

Apologies if this is a re-post, I think the first went to the wrong address...

I have a fortran program in which there are two sorts of numbers,
integers which are simply digits not followed by a period, and double
precision numbers in the form 1.0D0, or more precisely \d\+\.\d\+D\d\+ I would like to search for the former, avoiding the latter.

suggestions gratefully received!

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Regexp help

I have a fortran program in which there are two sorts of numbers, integers which are simply digits not followed by a period, and double precision numbers in the form 1.0D0, or more precisely \d\+\.\d\+D\d\+ I would like to search for the former, avoiding the latter. Any suggestions gratefully received!

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Monday, July 29, 2013

Re: :spellgood w/o

Thanks for the reply, Mr. Fritz, but I already mentioned spell-SLASH on line 24 of what I wrote earlier. spell-SLASH is referring to using the .dic files, it is not applicable to the .add files.

On Monday, July 29, 2013 9:05:37 AM UTC-4, Ben Fritz wrote:
> On Wednesday, July 24, 2013 5:30:13 PM UTC-4, Kaleb Hornsby wrote:
>> I asked this question on [Super User][0], but I figured that I would try here as well.
>> I am trying to do:
>> :spellgood w/o
>> I get an error message saying
>> > Unrecognized flags in ~/.vim/spell/en.utf-8.add line 16
>> I have attempted the following to no avail:
>> :spellgood w\/o
>> :spellgood w//o
>> :spellgood "w/o"
>> :spellgood 'w/o'
>> I also tried visually selecting the word in question and hitting `zg`. Same error.
>> How can I get vim to stop telling me that **w/o** is a bad word?
>> Adding **o** to the spell file or capitalizing **w/o** to **W/O** works, but those options make me sad.
>> The [spell-SLASH][1] help text points in a direction of how to do this, but this is for .dic files. Is using .dic files a better alternative? If so, I can't figure out for the life of me how to use them.
>> Any help will be greatly appreciated.
>> [0]:
>> [1]:
> :help spell-SLASH

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Re: Press ENTER or type command to continue problem at every vim startup

Okay great thanks for your help. I will try this binary search as you have suggested.

On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 9:02 PM, Gary Johnson <> wrote:
On 2013-07-29, Jean-Marcel Belmont wrote:

> On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 5:20 PM, Ben Fritz wrote:
>     On Monday, July 29, 2013 1:52:22 PM UTC-5, Jean-Marcel Belmont wrote:
>     > I have tried the suggestions in the vim wiki about set shortmess=a, I
>     > tried shortmess=at, set cmdheight=2, but these are
>     > refer to the Press ENTER or type command to continue when you issue an
>     > external command such as !ls in vim command window.
>     I assume you mean:
>     Actually the only suggestion on that page regarding external commands is
>     that you can use :silent before the command. The rest is about situations
>     where there is something printed to the screen inside Vim which the user
>     must read.
>     > My problem is that I get
>     > Press ENTER to type command to continue in each and every vim startup
>     > option.
>     > Does anyone know how to solve this issue.
>     Are there other messages that show up before the "press enter" prompt? You
>     can search your plugins for these messages to figure out how to disable
>     them. Or set you cmdheight option big enough to show them all at startup.

> Hello Ben:
> I tried to set cmdheight=15 just to see if any messages, but none came. Also I
> tried vim -u NONE -U NONE and the message "Press ENTER or type command" didn't
> not show. You suggested to search plugins, how should I go about this, should I
> use grep for the phrase "Press ENTER or type command" on my plugins, or should
> I read all help files for all my plugins for this problem.

The message, "Press ENTER or type command to continue" is generated
by Vim itself.  It is not generated by plugins and the string is
unlikely to be found in any plugin.

Discussion of this issue is also not likely to be found in the help
file for any plugin.  If the message is part of the normal behavior
of a plugin, then that normal behavior would be adequately described
in ":help press-enter".  If the message is due to a bug in the
plugin, then the author is probably not aware of it.

Lacking any message preceding the "Press ENTER" message, about the
only way to isolate this to a particular plugin is to do a binary
search of your plugins.  If you're not sure how to do that, the
following algorithm should work.

    1.  Create two directories, ~/unknown and ~/good.
    2.  Move half the files in ~/.vim/plugin to ~/unknown.
    3.  Run your test, which in this case is to execute vim and
        watch for the "Press ENTER" message.  If the message is
        there, the result is "bad"; otherwise, the result is "good".
    4.  If "good":
            a)  Move all the files in plugin to ~/good.
            b)  Move half the files in ~/unknown to plugin.
        If "bad":
            a)  Move all the files in ~/unknown to ~/good.
            b)  Move half the files in plugin to ~/unknown.
    5.  Repeat from step 3 until one bad file remains in plugin.

The convention in this group is to not top-post.  I have reformatted
your reply accordingly.


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Re: Press ENTER or type command to continue problem at every vim startup

On 2013-07-29, Jean-Marcel Belmont wrote:

> On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 5:20 PM, Ben Fritz wrote:
> On Monday, July 29, 2013 1:52:22 PM UTC-5, Jean-Marcel Belmont wrote:
> > I have tried the suggestions in the vim wiki about set shortmess=a, I
> > tried shortmess=at, set cmdheight=2, but these are
> > refer to the Press ENTER or type command to continue when you issue an
> > external command such as !ls in vim command window.
> I assume you mean:
> Actually the only suggestion on that page regarding external commands is
> that you can use :silent before the command. The rest is about situations
> where there is something printed to the screen inside Vim which the user
> must read.
> > My problem is that I get
> > Press ENTER to type command to continue in each and every vim startup
> > option.
> > Does anyone know how to solve this issue.
> Are there other messages that show up before the "press enter" prompt? You
> can search your plugins for these messages to figure out how to disable
> them. Or set you cmdheight option big enough to show them all at startup.

> Hello Ben:
> I tried to set cmdheight=15 just to see if any messages, but none came. Also I
> tried vim -u NONE -U NONE and the message "Press ENTER or type command" didn't
> not show. You suggested to search plugins, how should I go about this, should I
> use grep for the phrase "Press ENTER or type command" on my plugins, or should
> I read all help files for all my plugins for this problem.

The message, "Press ENTER or type command to continue" is generated
by Vim itself. It is not generated by plugins and the string is
unlikely to be found in any plugin.

Discussion of this issue is also not likely to be found in the help
file for any plugin. If the message is part of the normal behavior
of a plugin, then that normal behavior would be adequately described
in ":help press-enter". If the message is due to a bug in the
plugin, then the author is probably not aware of it.

Lacking any message preceding the "Press ENTER" message, about the
only way to isolate this to a particular plugin is to do a binary
search of your plugins. If you're not sure how to do that, the
following algorithm should work.

1. Create two directories, ~/unknown and ~/good.
2. Move half the files in ~/.vim/plugin to ~/unknown.
3. Run your test, which in this case is to execute vim and
watch for the "Press ENTER" message. If the message is
there, the result is "bad"; otherwise, the result is "good".
4. If "good":
a) Move all the files in plugin to ~/good.
b) Move half the files in ~/unknown to plugin.
If "bad":
a) Move all the files in ~/unknown to ~/good.
b) Move half the files in plugin to ~/unknown.
5. Repeat from step 3 until one bad file remains in plugin.

The convention in this group is to not top-post. I have reformatted
your reply accordingly.


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Re: Is there an "always on top" option for vim?

I'm not sure I'm understanding your question correctly, but have you tried ":silent make"?

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Re: Press ENTER or type command to continue problem at every vim startup

Hello Ben:

I tried to set cmdheight=15 just to see if any messages, but none came. Also I tried vim -u NONE -U NONE and the message "Press ENTER or type command" didn't not show. You suggested to search plugins, how should I go about this, should I use grep for the phrase "Press ENTER or type command" on my plugins, or should I read all help files for all my plugins for this problem.

On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 5:20 PM, Ben Fritz <> wrote:
On Monday, July 29, 2013 1:52:22 PM UTC-5, Jean-Marcel Belmont wrote:
> I have tried the suggestions in the vim wiki about set shortmess=a, I tried shortmess=at, set cmdheight=2, but these are
> refer to the Press ENTER or type command to continue when you issue an external command such as !ls in vim command window.

I assume you mean:

Actually the only suggestion on that page regarding external commands is that you can use :silent before the command. The rest is about situations where there is something printed to the screen inside Vim which the user must read.

> My problem is that I get
> Press ENTER to type command to continue in each and every vim startup option.
> Does anyone know how to solve this issue.

Are there other messages that show up before the "press enter" prompt? You can search your plugins for these messages to figure out how to disable them. Or set you cmdheight option big enough to show them all at startup.

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Re: Press ENTER or type command to continue problem at every vim startup

On Monday, July 29, 2013 1:52:22 PM UTC-5, Jean-Marcel Belmont wrote:
> I have tried the suggestions in the vim wiki about set shortmess=a, I tried shortmess=at, set cmdheight=2, but these are
> refer to the Press ENTER or type command to continue when you issue an external command such as !ls in vim command window.

I assume you mean:

Actually the only suggestion on that page regarding external commands is that you can use :silent before the command. The rest is about situations where there is something printed to the screen inside Vim which the user must read.

> My problem is that I get
> Press ENTER to type command to continue in each and every vim startup option.
> Does anyone know how to solve this issue.

Are there other messages that show up before the "press enter" prompt? You can search your plugins for these messages to figure out how to disable them. Or set you cmdheight option big enough to show them all at startup.

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Re: Is it possible to return to the original window automatically after QuickFix window is opened

On Monday, July 29, 2013 2:16:28 PM UTC-5, Dahong Tang wrote:
> Hi, I have my vim setup so that after :make, the QuickFix window opens automatically. I would then get back to the original window to edit my code by pressing Ctr-w repeatedly. I am wondering if this can be automated in vim. Does anyone know how to automatically return to the original window (i.e., the window that called :make) after QuickFix window is opened? Thanks!

Ok, nevermind. I just realized that the command is :winc p

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Re: vim: how to produce the html pages like the vim help html?

On Jul 29, 2013 4:59 PM, "Ben Fritz" <> wrote:
> On Tuesday, July 23, 2013 10:11:56 PM UTC-5, ZyX wrote:
> > On Jul 24, 2013 1:00 AM, "Charles Campbell" <> wrote:
> >
> > >
> >
> > > ping song wrote:
> >
> > >>
> >
> > >> any help?
> >
> > >>
> >
> > >>
> >
> > >>
> >
> > >> On Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 9:03 AM, ping < <>> wrote:
> >
> > >>
> >
> > >>     this looks real nice!
> >
> > >>
> >
> > >>
> >
> > >>
> >
> > >>     the thing that I like it , is that it looks exactly what it is in
> >
> > >>     vim , compacted pure text but still URL-able, like those code
> >
> > >>     cross reference pages generated by LXR
> >
> > >>     (,  sth I
> >
> > >>     can't simply archieve in vimwiki.
> >
> > >>
> >
> > >>     what options of tools do we have (in vim or external) to generate
> >
> > >>     those beautiful pages?
> >
> > >>
> >
> > > I have no idea what was used for the online vim man pages.  You do know about TOhtml, though?
> >
> > At least one of the maintainers uses self-written python script; he wrote about this in the announce. Maybe there a link to the script in the announce, I do not remember.
> >
> I think there is also a perl script distributed with Vim, in the runtime directory, called I'm not at all sure what it does.
> > TOhtml does not have support for links yet, though AFAIR it was promised. There is a plugin that adds them though.
> >
> I don't know about "promised" but it would be a nice feature.
> How should it work? I haven't put any effort into such a thing because I'm not sure how it ought to work.
> I could just find any occurrence of each tag as found by the ctags interface and wrap it in a link, but to which file? TOhtml only gives you an unsaved buffer with a default file name, which the user could save anywhere with any name at all. I could just use href='./other_file.ext.html' but then the user must be sure all linked files are accessible from the same directory.
> How does formatvim handle this? Maybe consistency is the name of the game here. Or does anyone have thoughts on how they would LIKE it to work?

I link to the relative path and use perl script to postprocess. As I know for sure that angle brackets in text are escaped *always* and links format is the same all over the resulting text it is easy and safe to use regexes. Generally all this stuff is left to specification authors, but built-in HTML specification itself is not configurable. In-file links are converted to just #... as there is no need to specify file in this case. You can say whether you need links for all tags, none or just in-file ones.

Note that for help files I had to create start/end tag regex options in order to limit the number of cases when tag matches (these define regexes that would be wrapped into group with zero-width look-ahead/-behind modifier).

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Is it possible to return to the original window automatically after QuickFix window is opened

Hi, I have my vim setup so that after :make, the QuickFix window opens automatically. I would then get back to the original window to edit my code by pressing Ctr-w repeatedly. I am wondering if this can be automated in vim. Does anyone know how to automatically return to the original window (i.e., the window that called :make) after QuickFix window is opened? Thanks!

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Press ENTER or type command to continue problem at every vim startup

Hello I am using vim 7.4 beta with patches (1-39). I am using Mac OS X 10.7
Everytime I open vim now I get the prompt:
Press ENTER or type command to continue
In my vimrc I have the following:
set equalalways
set history=200
set autoread
set tw=75
set so=7
set wrapmargin
set nocompatible
" powerline status bar
set laststatus=2
set encoding=utf-8
set wildmenu
set ruler
set tabstop=2
set shiftwidth=2
set expandtab
set softtabstop=2
set cmdheight=1
set hid
set backspace=eol,start,indent
set shiftround
set ignorecase
set nobackup
set autoindent smartindent
set nowb
set magic
set showmatch
set noswapfile
set viminfo='20,\"50
set number
set wildmode=longest:full,full
set wildmenu
set noerrorbells
set incsearch
set hlsearch
I also have additional options set in vimrc but they are for map leader bindings and plugin options as well. I have tried the suggestions in the vim wiki about set shortmess=a, I tried shortmess=at, set cmdheight=2, but these are
refer to the Press ENTER or type command to continue when you issue an external command such as !ls in vim command window. My problem is that I get
Press ENTER to type command to continue in each and every vim startup option.
Does anyone know how to solve this issue. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Jean-Marcel Belmont

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Re: gVim converting Unix file Write To DOS Format

octopusgrabbus wrote:
> This is solved by building and using 7.4a BETA. I do not believe this was due to .vimrc directives.
Great! I was mystified about why it was occurring -- and given the
problem with debugging via Decho, hadn't figured out how to proceed.

C Campbell

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Re: gVim converting Unix file Write To DOS Format

This is solved by building and using 7.4a BETA. I do not believe this was due to .vimrc directives.

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Re: :spellccgood w/ofaaa

A a bit abseweessout it as a bit more more information contained a bit a beable eswwsssssszait ease the same as a bit a bit a

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Re: Mapping Macro using smartindent

Hello Ben,

sry for stealing your time. :/
I'm an jackass.
Actually the whole thing works - better than me.


I tried to do the following while testing:


Cindent/Smarindent catches that there is no need to start at column 2 because there is no embedding block around.

Instead this:


works just fine - as you said.

Anyhow, thank you very much for support.
Your last post (the outer brackets espacially ;) ) helped. LOL

Best, Sven

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Re: Mapping Macro using smartindent

On Monday, July 29, 2013 12:45:09 AM UTC-5, SVN77KMF wrote:
> It looks like indentation wouldn't work in mappings, right?

Actually, yes it does. In fact, your mapping works just fine for me, launching gvim with gvim -N -u NONE -i NONE, setting your mapping, setting 'cindent', and typing the following text:


for (a=1; a<5; a++)


The {..} below the for loop was indented automatically by Vim.

> If so, what options do I have to solve this problem?

Something else in your config is probably interfering, or maybe you want your code formatted differently than Vim's cindent settings will give you. You can try messing with the cinoptions settings.

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Re: :spellgood w/o

On Wednesday, July 24, 2013 4:30:13 PM UTC-5, Kaleb Hornsby wrote:
> I asked this question on [Super User][0], but I figured that I would try here as well.
> I am trying to do:
> :spellgood w/o
> I get an error message saying
> > Unrecognized flags in ~/.vim/spell/en.utf-8.add line 16

:help spell-SLASH

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Re: vim: how to produce the html pages like the vim help html?

On Tuesday, July 23, 2013 10:11:56 PM UTC-5, ZyX wrote:
> On Jul 24, 2013 1:00 AM, "Charles Campbell" <> wrote:
> >
> > ping song wrote:
> >>
> >> any help?
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> On Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 9:03 AM, ping < <>> wrote:
> >>
> >>     this looks real nice!
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>     the thing that I like it , is that it looks exactly what it is in
> >>     vim , compacted pure text but still URL-able, like those code
> >>     cross reference pages generated by LXR
> >>     (,  sth I
> >>     can't simply archieve in vimwiki.
> >>
> >>     what options of tools do we have (in vim or external) to generate
> >>     those beautiful pages?
> >>
> > I have no idea what was used for the online vim man pages.  You do know about TOhtml, though?
> At least one of the maintainers uses self-written python script; he wrote about this in the announce. Maybe there a link to the script in the announce, I do not remember.

I think there is also a perl script distributed with Vim, in the runtime directory, called I'm not at all sure what it does.

> TOhtml does not have support for links yet, though AFAIR it was promised. There is a plugin that adds them though.

I don't know about "promised" but it would be a nice feature.

How should it work? I haven't put any effort into such a thing because I'm not sure how it ought to work.

I could just find any occurrence of each tag as found by the ctags interface and wrap it in a link, but to which file? TOhtml only gives you an unsaved buffer with a default file name, which the user could save anywhere with any name at all. I could just use href='./other_file.ext.html' but then the user must be sure all linked files are accessible from the same directory.

How does formatvim handle this? Maybe consistency is the name of the game here. Or does anyone have thoughts on how they would LIKE it to work?

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Sunday, July 28, 2013

Re: Vim Windows Autocommand Filename = 8.3

Hey Ben,

thanks for your reply.

> Are you actually using the command-line with --remote-silent as you show, or through a shortcut? If the latter, you can try the suggestion in :help vim-default-editor.

Yep, I am. But "%L" does not work either.

But I found the reason; this little snippet in my XML-Filetype-Plugin causes my problems:

if (getfsize(expand("%:8")) < 5000000)
set foldmethod=syntax
set foldmethod=manual

It seems, that Vim remembers this expand-call...

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Re: Gvim starting up in C:\temp??

On Thursday, July 25, 2013 2:48:20 PM UTC-5, Linda W wrote:
> Ben Fritz wrote:
> > > I've never seen that problem, and I use shellslash in my config.
> > > Does it work with launching Vim as follows?
> > >
> > > gvim -N -u NONE -U NONE -i NONE --cmd "set shellslash" fb17X/content/firebug/chrome.js
> > >
> > > I know that the 'shellslash' option can make shellescape() do bad things on Windows, and it makes paths copied from Vim or passed to shell commands sometimes fail, but I don't know of any other ill effects.
> > >
> > >
> >
> Why would -N ever be needed when typing 'gvim'?

Because if you're using -u NONE, then Vim will by default start with 'compatible' set, which is normally not what you want. If you have any .vimrc at all, Vim starts with 'nocompatible' so I assumed you were using 'nocompatible' mode. Vim with 'compatible' set tries to act as much like plain posix vi as possible, meaning that it intentionally tries NOT to be improved.

> -u NONE says to ignore my .vimrc
> but --cmd "set shellslash" says to execute that command before
> any .vimrc or .gvimrc.

Also, although this may not be explicit, before the file is read into Vim. -c may do the same thing in this situation but I'm not sure without consulting the help and/or experimenting.

> I made sure it was first in my .vimrc, since there was a
> set "set autochdir" about 3 lines in that could trigger a
> chdir I'd guess.

Sure, but I was trying to get you to figure out whether Vim had a problem for everyone or just you. Since the behavior went away with that command it's just your config, so probably a patch to Vim isn't needed, we just need to find the problem in your config. Possibly there is an option acting in unexpected ways.

I do wonder whether autochdir works with shellslash in weird ways in this situation. But I actually have both set too, and haven't noticed your problem when using my config.

> So if shellslash was set first, ..
> Now I get... Ah ha... I figured out where it is executing
> I mistyped iotest as iotset and it came up
> saying there was a swap file C:\tmp/iotest
> Why is it in C:\tmp? (when I started in my home dir/profiledir).

I'm not sure how Vim determines its current working directory when not using autochdir and using relative paths. I do know that it will start in the directory of a file when you pass in the full path to that file, on Windows anyway. Normally when I start Vim with no arguments it starts in the installation directory.

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Re: perl-support equivalent for python

On Thursday, July 25, 2013 2:29:39 PM UTC-5, Jim Green wrote:
> perl-support makes it so easy to write perl in vim. all the shortcuts, code autogeneration. Is there a equivalent perl-support for python?
> Thanks!
> Jim.

I assume you mean this plugin (found with a Google search for "vim perl-support plugin":

The plugin claims to make Vim a Perl IDE. So I tried searching for "vim python IDE", it came up with some results that look promising.

Otherwise, there are many plugins out there providing one or more features listed for perl-support, though not all at one time. Most Vim plugins are more focused than that.

Off the top of my head, I know syntastic will provide on-the-fly error highlighting, I assume there is a python compiler plugin that can check syntax highlighting using quickfix when you type ":make", there are almost TOO MANY snippet plugins out there, and there is NERD Commenter for comments. I use none of these right now, by the way, although I do use compiler plugins for other languages. I think you may have more luck searching for specific features you are looking for than trying to get it all-in-one.

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Re: Mapping Macro using smartindent

On Monday, July 29, 2013 3:45:56 AM UTC+2, Ben Fritz wrote:
> On Sunday, July 28, 2013 9:09:42 AM UTC-5, Sven Kämpf wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> >
> >
> > I try to speed up writing using mappings.
> >
> > Smartindent
> > is on, but doesn't
> > work appropriatly.
> >
> >
> >
> > Example:
> >
> >
> >
> > Assume the following mapping:
> >
> >
> >
> > imap {
> > {}<Esc>i<CR><Esc>ko
> >
> I suggest using cindent instead of smartindent. Or better yet, "filetype plugin indent on" in your .vimrc.
> smartindent is not so smart sometimes.

Thank you for your suggestions, but unfortunately it didn't work.

Another Example:

If I type:

<Space><Space>go<CR>{} insert mode, than the following appears:


('^' -> start of line, '_' -> space)

But If I make a mapping like this:

inoremap <Leader>go go<CR>{}

...and I type:

<Space><Space><Leader>go insert mode, then the following appears:


It looks like indentation wouldn't work in mappings, right?

If so, what options do I have to solve this problem?

THX in advance.

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