Sunday, July 28, 2013

Re: help for a command

* Ajabu Tex <> [2013-07-28 22:30]:
> In an HTML file I want to solve the following task:
> for every and all the lines that end with '-<br/>' (without quotes)
> I want to delete the string '-<br/>' and
> join the line with the following one.

:g:-<br/>$:s:-<br/>$::|normal gJ

the :global command basically tags all lines
matching a pattern - and then the command after
is (:substitute) is executed for each tagged line.
the pipe separates from the next command which
":join"s the current line with the next one.
however, the "join" command converts an EOL
into a space. the "gJ" command simply
joins without this conversion, but
as it is a command within "normal mode"
it requires the ":normal" workaround.

see also:
:help :g
:help :s
:help :bar
:help :normal
:help gJ

and maybe there is a way to re-use the pattern from
the global command within the substitution command.


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