Saturday, August 9, 2014

Adding to latex-syntax

The latex-syntax file (:help latex-syntax) has information on a
"selective conceal mode". Currently, this allows the following to be

> Tex: Selective Conceal Mode~
> You may selectively use conceal mode by setting g:tex_conceal in your
> <.vimrc>. By default, g:tex_conceal is set to "admgs" to enable concealment
> for the following sets of characters: >
> a = accents/ligatures
> b = bold and italic
> d = delimiters
> m = math symbols
> g = Greek
> s = superscripts/subscripts

How could I add to this mode? I would like to conceal the following two things:

- footnote commands: (\footnote{ ..... } )
- citation commands: \cite[...]{.....}

I'd really appreciate any help!

Very best wishes,


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