On Thu, Jan 14, 2016 at 8:44 AM, Nikolay Aleksandrovich Pavlov <zyx.vim@gmail.com> wrote:2016-01-14 8:23 GMT+03:00 kamaraju kusumanchi <raju.mailinglists@gmail.com>:Is it possible to detach the current tab in a gvim session into a
separate gvim window? Something akin to what firefox can do with tabs?
Once the tab is separated, can I dock it back into the original gvim
window session?Firefox manages multiple X windows by one instance, and it was originally developed for graphical environment. Gvim has one process (and one instance) per one X window, doing no management of its windows. Vim originally developed for terminals and many GUI features are missing simply because they are not possible in terminal (though still there are such features, there are not much).I would though ask why do you need this functionality in first place. I never had enough tabs open to want detaching, perhaps you are misusing this feature.There is a macro in the runtime directory/macros called editexisting.vim which causes a file already being edited in another session of Vim to be brought to the foreground if you try to edit it again in another session. I modified it to, instead, close the other one and allow me to keep the new instance, instead. Perhaps you can modify it to do what you need. Note that I also use <S-F4> to copy the entire filepath of the current file to the system clipboard and <C-F4> to open the file currently on the current clipboard. So,
- Go to the file you wish to detach and hit <S-F4>.
- Go to the other Vim session (open one).
- Hit <C-F4> to open it here and close the original.
The mappings and script (I use Windows exclusively so your mapping may need to be tweaked):
nmap <s-f4> :let @*=substitute(expand("%:p"), '/', '\\', 'g')<cr>:echo 'Copied "' . @* . '"'<cr>
nmap <c-f4> :execute 'sp ' . escape(@*, " ")<cr>
function! CloseBufferElsewhere( name )
let filename = substitute( a:name, "'", "''", "g" )
let servers = split( serverlist(), "\n" )
for server in servers
if ( server ==? v:servername )
if ( remote_expr( server, "bufloaded('" . filename . "')" ) )
" SALMAN: If multiple files by the same name are found, they will all be closed. Sometimes, two files with the same name but in different directories are found;
" SALMAN: this should be addressed if it occurs too much.
" SALMAN: Last occurrence was on Tuesday, November 15, 2011.
call remote_send( server, ":Closematching " . fnamemodify( filename, ":t" ) . "\<cr>" )
" If another server was found, it should've been closed and this file edited here now.
return 'e'
" Ask the user what to do (a swap file exists, but no actual Vim instance was found).
return ''
augroup CloseBufferElsewhere
au! SwapExists * let v:swapchoice = CloseBufferElsewhere( expand( "<afile>:p" ) )
augroup ENDHope this brings you closer,
I, too, shall something make and glory in the making.
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