Monday, August 14, 2017

does VIM read OK the tags file if ctags was installed after VIM?


I am working on a host that didn't have ctags installed. I have just
installed it.
However, I think I am missing some step.
After creating the tags file, opening a file with VIM and hitting
CTRL+] on a string, it does not jump to the file with the definition.
It just gives me a comment like

"tag 1 of 20 or more"

It is not a problem with the path, as I do first

:set path+=**

Same tree directory on a different host with same version of VIM, but
ctags installed, works fine. CTRL+] gives me a list of options from
the tags files, asking me to type the number (index) I want.

Any hint? What are the key words I should use to search for the
solution myself in google or the :help?

Thanks a lot in advance,

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