Monday, August 14, 2017

Re: wrapping a series of comma separated words

Am 14.08.2017 um 17:06 schrieb 'Andy Wokula' via vim_use:
> Am 11.08.2017 um 21:08 schrieb Ben Fritz:
>> On Thursday, August 10, 2017 at 10:57:27 AM UTC-5, Chris Lott wrote:
>>> I'm constantly needing to wrap a series of comma separated titles
>>> with html <i> tags, so this:
>>> John has published work in foo, fubar, boo review, and many more.
>>> Becomes this
>>> John has published work in <i>foo</i>, <i>fubar</i>, <i>boo review</i>, and many more.
>>> Right now I'm visually highlighting each title and using emmet to
>>> wrap with the tags, but it seems like there must be a shorter way!
>> In general I find working with such lists easier with this pull
>> request compiled in:
>> I think in this specific case it would possibly only help a small
>> amount, as I'd still probably visually select and then use the
>> surround plugin on the visual selection.
> I've also added a script for this purpose:
> In the example, with surround.vim (and after setting up keys), you type once
> ysim,<i>
> to make the first replacement and then go the next location (eg with mouse click)
> and hit the dot key to repeat.
> charobj still needs fine-tuning (ie options), because with
> foo, fubar, boo review
> the result will be
> <i> foo</i>,<i> fubar</i>,<i> boo review</i>
> (would be more useful to skip surrounding whitespace -- but maybe not always).
> And it still assumes selection=inclusive.
> Otherwise a count works and dot-repetitions works.
> And the region is always within a single line, to make extending the region
> to begin/end-of-line work. Maybe this will change too (with option).

There is also a very elaborate plugin (it creates a lot of mappings):

It does provide mappings for a comma-separated list, and the inner whitespace
trimmed part can be selected with I, :

but it requires commas before and after, not sure how to make it extend the region
to begin-(or end)-of-line.


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