Monday, August 14, 2017

Re: wrapping a series of comma separated words

Am 11.08.2017 um 21:08 schrieb Ben Fritz:
> On Thursday, August 10, 2017 at 10:57:27 AM UTC-5, Chris Lott wrote:
>> I'm constantly needing to wrap a series of comma separated titles
>> with html <i> tags, so this:
>> John has published work in foo, fubar, boo review, and many more.
>> Becomes this
>> John has published work in <i>foo</i>, <i>fubar</i>, <i>boo review</i>, and many more.
>> Right now I'm visually highlighting each title and using emmet to
>> wrap with the tags, but it seems like there must be a shorter way!
> In general I find working with such lists easier with this pull
> request compiled in:
> I think in this specific case it would possibly only help a small
> amount, as I'd still probably visually select and then use the
> surround plugin on the visual selection.

I've also added a script for this purpose:

In the example, with surround.vim (and after setting up keys), you type once
to make the first replacement and then go the next location (eg with mouse click)
and hit the dot key to repeat.

charobj still needs fine-tuning (ie options), because with
foo, fubar, boo review
the result will be
<i> foo</i>,<i> fubar</i>,<i> boo review</i>
(would be more useful to skip surrounding whitespace -- but maybe not always).

And it still assumes selection=inclusive.

Otherwise a count works and dot-repetitions works.

And the region is always within a single line, to make extending the region
to begin/end-of-line work. Maybe this will change too (with option).


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