For example:
while ($ok) {
if ($tbs) {
&show("step 1", \@arr, [24,60,60]);
&show("step 1", \@arr, [24,60,60]);
&show("step 1", \@arr, [24,60,60]);
&show("step 1", \@arr, [24,60,60]);
&show("step 1", \@arr, [24,60,60]);
&show("step 1", \@arr, [24,60,60]);
in /usr/share/vim/vim73/indent/perl.vim
I found 2 lines:
let bracepos = match(line, '[(){}\[\]]', match...
It seems as '[(){}\[\]]' finds brackets 'and' backslashes!
So I replaced these 2 lines with
let bracepos = BracePos(line, match...
and wrote a new function
" get position of () {} []
function! BracePos(line, start)
let l:min = strlen(a:line)+1
for l:char in split('(){}[]', '\zs')
let l:pos = match(a:line, l:char, a:start)
if l:pos >= 0
let l:min = min([l:min, l:pos])
if l:min == strlen(a:line)+1
let l:min = -1
return l:min
Now it works fine.
I had checked it on my perl programs and it works for me.
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