> I got an idea. just write several lines at the begging of .vimrc file:
> if !exists("g:already_read_vimrc")
> let g:already_read_vimrc=1
> finish
> endif
Better idea:
" first do any commands you want do before sourcing plugins, like
setting global options to be overridden by filetype-specific settings,
" then set up to source some other file, after everything else has
been loaded
autocmd VimEnter * source ~/.vim/source_me_last.vim
OR, as suggested earlier, put anything you want to source last, into a
file named ~/.vim/after/plugin/source_me_last.vim.
As mentioned before, sourcing your .vimrc after all plugins have
loaded is probably not really what you want. What SPECIFIC problems
are you trying to solve in this way? There's probably a better way to
solve them.
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