Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Re: Please fix: make Windows Vim use same files as unix. No reason not to and it's confusing in mixed envirionments.

Tony Mechelynck wrote:

> On 13/10/11 01:47, Linda W wrote:
>> Jürgen Krämer wrote:
>>>> (at least when I launch from explorer...) if it finds my .vim and
>>>> .gvim,
>>>> why doesn't it find .vim/colors/xxxx.vim?
>>> did you change the 'runtimepath' option? On Windows the directory for
>>> user-specific scripts is ~/vimfiles by default, not ~/.vim.
>> ---
>> I don't set a runtime path. I'd expect it to work the same as on
>> unix/linux.
>> Why should windows be different?
>> IMO, it should look for .vim first, and then any old-style compat
>> name, but **not
>> looking** for ~/.vim at all would seem to be a bug.

> Platform-hopping Vim users should know

Someone else said users couldn't be troubled with a command line,
so why expect them to now how to platform hop when vim/gvim works the same
most of the time, but when they goto non-cygwin win32, it fails?

Like that's user friendly?

(and, like everything else about
> Vim, it is documented,

Just because because bugs, deaths and taxes
are documented doesn't make them all 'fine and dandy'. \

in this case at :help 'runtimepath') that user
> scripts are placed under ~/.vim/ on Unix and under ~/vimfiles/ on
> Windows. Beware though, that _system-wide_ scripts not distributed with
> Vim belong under $VIM/vimfiles on all systems, even on Unix.

Right...and $VIM is set by MS to what? Nice irrelevant point.

> On a double-boot system, where soft links are easier to manage from the
> Unix side, and where the Linux kernel can read vfat filesystems but the
> Windows kernel cannot make head or tail of an ext2, ext3, ext4 or reiser
> filesystem, you could have your /etc/fstab mount your vfat partition
> somewhere, and then make ~/.vim on the Unix side a soft link to what
> would be seen as ~/vimfiles when running on the Windows side. In that
> case, don't forget that Windows Vim can source Unix-format scripts (with
> LF-only ends of lines) but Unix vim cannot source Dos-format scripts
> (with CR-LF), so all those "common" scripts would need to use Unix
> 'fileformat'.

?? and this is an issue how? that's easily set in a .vimrc file
by a 1-liner.

It's only on a new installation of vim that bugs crop up because
the defaults are broken.

You wanna stay compat..fine...

>> Vim also doesn't seem to find
> This is one of all those "Vim traditions" which remain because it is not
> worth breaking upwards compatibility to change them.

How would it break...
No one has give a case where breakage would occur with the algorithm I

> On systems with LongFileNames, Windows Vim still looks for .vimrc when
> it couldn't find ~/_vimrc, and for ~/.gvimrc when it couldn't find
> ~/_gvimrc.


So just do the same with .vim.. "Vim lookes ffor vimfiles in 'dirX, but if
it doesn't find them, then it looks for ".vim"...

Well gee, isn't that such a difficult proposition?

And HOW does this the sky to fall in? I've asked that at least 4 times
now and people keep coming back with (if you find .vim stop
searching?...that won't work...) I never suggested that.

It's pretty obvious when multiple people have to make things up that are
blatantly false lies, it becomes clear they are trying to spread

They have an anti-user friendly agenda. They are putting themselves
first. Looking for both doesn't create harm, it creates compatiblity so
people don't have to keep reinventing workarounds like many have here.

Thousands of hours have, easily, been wasted by Vim not being ported
to new features until YEARS later...unicode was an example that took at
least 5 years longer than was comfortable. All the while I was told it
would never happen. Because Vim wasn't designed for that. are just stupid if you believe "the way a program is" means
you have to accept it. Programs didn't exist 60 years ago. We create
them -- there is NO essential nature about how a program is that one must
accept. It's a synthetic-manmade creation. It's not like 'oh gee, I
don't like that rocks are hard, or water is wet or gravity sucks, and I
want it changed... how programs are AREN'T natural laws. they are
arbitrary decisions made at a given point in time based on conditions at
that time. The only things that don't adapt to their environment -- dead

If you believe vim can't change, then you believe it is dead.


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