us. Take you anger and personal attacks to a blog or something if you
want to insist on being so confrontational.
You have been told specific reason why your idea is a bad one. It will
change Vim to act in ways that existing documentation (within Vim,
within published books, and on the internet) does not reflect, current
users will not expect, and will do unexpected things on systems with
both .vim and vimfiles.
You have stated several times that you expect the .vim/vimfiles search
to work the same way as .vimrc/_vimrc search, and it was explained to
you that .vim/vimfiles is conceptually different from the .vimrc.
The .vimrc is sourced once and then Vim is done with it. .vim/vimfiles
is by default on the runtimepath, which Vim consults again and again
throughout program execution. A user option explicitly specifies which
directories are checked, and in which order. There is no "stop if this
directory doesn't exist" and such a condition would break from the way
the runtimepath works now. By comparison, .vimrc is one of several
specific file names Vim checks, which is not configurable, and Vim
will automatically stop when it finds ONE of them.
Unlike the .vimrc, EVERY time Vim needs something from the
runtimepath, it consults the option before checking every directory
within the option. Putting some logic external to the runtimepath to
check for the existence of .vim/vimfiles before proceeding would be
very confusing and make the 'runtimepath' option less useful. As
mentioned, the existence of .vim/vimfiles could be consulted before
defaulting 'runtimepath' to some value, this may be acceptable. Make a
patch and submit it to vim_dev and see where it goes instead of
whining and namecalling.
I'm done with this thread. I know I have not responded to many of your
points. Some of them because I feel they have been answered already,
but most of them because I would need to again read through your
jumbled, hard-to-read post, including all the insults and personal
attacks, in order to find them.
Respond if you must to get the last word in, but I suggest you shut up
and write a patch if you want any results.
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