Monday, March 25, 2013

Re: Can 'set ' be elided? When?

On Sat, Mar 23, 2013 at 12:58 AM, Paul Isambert <> wrote:
> Selon Dotan Cohen <>:
>> I notice that some settings use the format ':set name=value' and other
>> use ':name value'. For instance:
>> :set syntax=php
>> :syntax off
> Note that ":syntax php" doesn't work.
>> Can the string 'set ' always be safely elided?
> No.
>> If not, then what are the guidelines?
> As far as I can tell, there aren't any. Some commands have the same name as
> options (e.g. :filetype and 'filetype', :confirm and 'confirm'), but they don't
> do the same things.
> Best,
> Paul

Thank you, I did not realize the difference between commands and
options, as some of them have the same names:
:set syntax=php is setting an option (_which_ syntax to use)
:syntax off is running a command (_do_ enable syntax highlighting)

Paying attention to 'which' or 'do' is helping me sort this out.


Dotan Cohen

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