Friday, January 24, 2014

How to disable mouse scroll wheel when in insert mode?

Long time vim user looking for some advice on this, tried searching the

web to no avail.  I am using CentOS 6 and vim 7.2.411.


My issue: In vim, I am in INSERT mode, my cursor is where I want it to be

for a PASTE operation, but when I press the middle mouse button (which in

my case is a scroll wheel) to do the paste the wheel moves inadvertently

and I end up pasting somewhere else, not in the place where my cursor

was when I entered INSERT mode.


Is there a way to configure vim so that the mouse scroll wheel/middle

mouse button is disabled when in INSERT mode?


Outside of insert mode the mouse scroll is a great feature, so I only

want to disable it when in insert mode.

Thanks for any help,




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