Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Swapping between 3 or 4 buffers [Was: Retaining window layout]

On 01.01.14 11:07, Marcin Szamotulski wrote:
> On 20:01 Tue 31 Dec , Dejan Ranisavljevic wrote:
> > Ideally i would delete that new buffer and get a previous buffer i was working on.

> :BufWipe commands to delete/wipe out a buffer but do not close the
> window. They do not open previous buffer, but leave you with a new one,
> so you can choose a buffer to load with :e or :b commands.

I wonder, is there also an easier way to a similar workflow when using
plain buffers? (No windowy stuff) Yes, ^ is marvellous for alternating
between one program file and another with e.g. function definitions, but
when we also need to flick over to a header or library file, it's back to
:bu second_last_file_accessed. (OK, autocompletion of partial filenames is
_brilliant_, but is there more? :)

We have ^O and ^I to eventually work our way between recent files, via
many intervening moves within each file. Are there perhaps variants of
^O and ^I which move back and forth by file, skipping intra-file dances?
Maybe it's wishful thinking, but it would be awfully convenient.


The Heineken Uncertainty Principle:
You can never be sure how many beers you had last night.

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